As discussed in Homework 3 many ETL (extraction, transformation, and loading) problems parse data files wherein the data fields is separated by commas and data is converted from one format to another. This assignment is a continuation of that process - with an additional two steps. The first step is to sort the airports alphabetically. The second step is to sort the airports geographically and plan a route from south to north, all the while flying over land.
This assignment requires the data extraction, degree conversion, data formatting, sorting by two different criteria, and output the sorted results. The file inputs are defined in the Inputs. Similarly, the sort criteria are defined in Processes and the outputs are defined in Outputs.
1 Objectives
The objectives of this assignment are to demonstrate proficiency in file I/O, data structures, data transformation, sorting techniques, and file output using C language resources.
2 Inputs
There are two basic inputs, the input file name, passed via the command line, and the input file data sort order defined below.
2.1 Command Line arguments
The input file name will be input as follows:
hw4Sort filename.ext sortParameter
In the event that the input file is not available or there is an error finding the file, an appropriate error message shall be displayed. Use the example below for guidance.
hw4Sort ERROR: File “bogusFilename” not found.
In the event that the sortParameter is not available, an appropriate error message shall be displayed. Use the example below for guidance.
hw4Sort ERROR: sortParameter invalid or not found.
It would be appropriate to display the valid sort parameters in the error message. The valid sort parameters are a for alphabetical sort or n for North Bound Exit. The sort parameters can be entered in either upper or lower case.
2.2 Input File fields
The CSV input file contains the following fields. Please note these fields may vary in size, content, and validity of the data. Also note that some of the data formats are a melange of types. Specifically, note that both latitude and longitude contain numbers, punctuation, and text. Likewise, the FAA Site number contains digits, letters, and punctuation. (This assignment will treat all input data as character data. Additional
conversions are specified later in Processes.)
Table 1: Airports Data Fields
Field Title
FAA Site Number
Contains leading digits followed by a decimal point and short text
Leading digits followed by a decimal point and zero to two digits and a letter
Loc ID
The airport’s short name, i.e.
MCO for Orlando
4 characters
Airport Name
The airport’s full name, i.e.
Orlando International
~30 characters
Associated City
The nearest city
~25 characters
2 characters
FAA Region
3 characters
Airline Dispatch Office
3 characters
Public or Private
2 characters
Degrees, minutes, seconds, milliarcseconds followed by either N or S.
Degrees, minutes, seconds, milliarcseconds followed by either E or W.
Airport Ownership
Public or Private
2 characters
Part 139
FAA Regulation
No data
NPIAS Service Level
National Plan Integrated
Airport Systems Descriptor
~10 characters
NPIAS Hub Type
Intentionally left blank
Airport Control Tower
one character
Fuel types available
up to 6 characters
Other Services
Collections of tag indicating INSTRuction, etc.
12 characters
Based Aircraft Total
Number of aircraft (may be blank)
Integer number
Total Operations
Takeoffs/Landings/etc (may be blank)
Integer number
3 Processes
The primary goal is to provide programmatic access to the data from the input CSV file. This must be accomplished using standard C file IO techniques. Also note that it is vital to utilize the stuct airPdata for all data retrieval/extraction and conversion. Likewise, use of the stuct airPdata is required for the file output.
3.1 Reading the input
There are several approaches to read the input. Perhaps the most important consideration is reading the line in for each airport. Please note that there is one line per airport. Also note, that once the line is read into the input buffer it might be advantageous to parse the input buffer based on the comma delimiter.
There are several approaches possible. Make sure to test on Eustis as line termination characters/behaviors vary amongst operating systems.
Make sure that the output file is formatted with decimal degrees.
3.2 Processing the data structure
The data conversions for this assignment, specified below, require a certain degree of parsing and calculation. Initially reading the input is to your advantage to deal with all data elements as character data. And then process the latitude and longitude, hereinafter referred to as degrees. The degrees are expressed as sexagesimal (base 60) numbers. Therefore use the functions created in Homework 3 to establish valid latitudes and longitudes.
Please note that there are some airports whose Loc ID begin with numerical digits. There are also quite a few that contain two trailing digits. Typically these are helipads. For the purposes of this assignment those airports can be ignored or discarded from the input. Careful review of these airports will reveal they typically start with the string FL or X and are followed by 2 digits.
Once the input data has been appropriately extracted and converted, save it in memory in a singly linked list. This will facilitate further processing.
3.2.1 Latitude/Longitude Input
The latitude and longitude are both degrees, expressed as shown in the table below.
The conversion of the DDD-MM-SS.MASD string is shown in Table 2. The formula to convert a sexagesimal degree measurement to a digital degree measurement is shown below.
degreesdecimal =±DDD + MM/60+ SS.MAS/602
Table 2: Degrees
value 60
value 602
See Table 3
Table 3: Direction
Decimal Sign
Note that the ± is derived from the information in Table 3 above.
3.3 Functions
3.3.1 float sexag2decimal(char *degreeString);
Description: Convert the sexagesimal input string of chars to a decimal degree based on the formula in Tables 2 and 3.
Special Cases: If a NULL pointer is passed to this function, simply return 0.0. Similarly, if the DD-MM-SS.MASD fields have invalid or out-of-range data, return
Caveat: Even though the valid range of Degrees is from 0 to 180, the data files for the Continental US and Florida are from 0 to 99. Make sure that the conversion can handle all valid cases correctly.
Hint: Take care to make sure the values for each numeric component are within their valid ranges. Refer to Table 2 for the ranges.
Returns: A floating point representation of the calculated decimal degrees or 0.0 in the special cases mentioned above.
3.3.2 void sortByLocID(lListAirPdata *airports);
Description: Sorts the airports alphabetically by the string named Loc ID with only one airport per letter. That is the first airport to begin with a Loc ID starting
with the letter A would be the only airport beginning with the letter A. Increments the seqNumber as each airport is updated as a selected output.
Special Cases: Remember the helipads! In other words, it is acceptable to skip airports whose Loc ID begin with a number, or start with either FL or X followed by two digits.
Caveat: Since the sorting options are mutually exclusive, this function can destructively manipulate the input list to produce the desired results.
Hint: It might be faster to use the Loc ID as a hash value or perhaps as an index into an array, after all, there can only be one airport per letter of the alphabet.
Returns: Nothing. However the input data should be seriously modified by this process.
3.3.3 void sortByLatitude(lListAirPdata *airports);
Description: Sorts the airports by latitude from South to North. Think of this as an Escape from Key West to Georgia.
Increments the seqNumber as each airport is updated as a selected output.
Special Cases: Remember the helipads! In other words, it is acceptable to skip airports whose Loc ID begin with a number, or start with either FL or X followed by two digits.
Output: Output the airports’ data per the output file specification derived from walking thru the AVL tree until reaching the maximum latitude for the Florida border. For the purposed of this exercise, assume 31 degrees North.
Caveat: Since the sorting options are mutually exclusive, this function can destructively manipulate the input list to produce the desired results.
Hint: It might be faster to use the Latitude as a measurement criteria for building an AVL tree.
Returns: Nothing. However the input data should be seriously modified by this process.
4 Outputs
The outputs of the program will be populated Struct airPdata data. This data will be formatted so as to provide output as defined in the following sections.
4.1 Data Structures
4.1.1 struct airPdata
The structure struct airPdata is described below. Please note the correlation with the data file’s Field Names refer to Table 1 on page 3 for more information.
typedef struct airPdata{
int seqNumber; //The process output’s sequence number char *LocID; //Airport’s ‘‘Short Name’’, ie MCO char *fieldName; //Airport Name char *city; //Associated City float longitude; //Longitude float latitude; //Latitude
} airPdata;
4.1.2 linked list of airPdata
typedef struct lListAirPdata{
airPdata *curAirPdataP; //Pointer to the Airport Data lListAirPdata *nextAirPdataList; // pointer to next
} lListAirPdata;
4.2 File output
The file output for this assignment is stdout, aka the console. Make sure there is a headline that names each column. For example:
5,EYW,KEY WEST INTL,KEY WEST,24.5561,-81.7594
8,MIA,MIAMI INTL,MIAMI,25.7953,-80.2900
9,APF,NAPLES MUNI,NAPLES,26.1522,-81.7756
13,MCO,ORLANDO INTL,ORLANDO,28.4292,-81.3089
Things to note:
The sample output above is an example only.
Digital degrees are expressed as floating point numbers of varying digits of precision. This is an artifact of Javascript. In this exercise 4 digits to the right of the decimal point is sufficient.
The first line of the file identifies the field names. This is a material fact and will adversely impact the output of the data in the webpage. Capitalization and spelling matter - and must match the first line above.
The text shown above has been converted to uppercase as a piece of information to help debugging. String case conversion is not required for this exercise.
Once the output has been verified, redirect the stdout to a file named myTestAirports.csv. Make sure that all code, inputs, and outputs are built, tested, and the output file is exported from Eustis.
4.3 Testing
There is one input file provided for program testing. It is described below. The pro-
Table 4: Test Files
A list of the 875 Florida airports, wherein all the data is formatted as defined in the Input Specification.
gram’s output will be to stdout. Redirect the output to the file named myAirports.csv.