In this workshop, you enable expression building for objects of a class type.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to:
• overload an operator as a member function of a class type
• access the current object from within a member function
• identify the lifetime of an object, including that of a temporary object
• describe what you have learned in completing this workshop
In this workshop, you are to design a class that represents fractions. Fractions are common in many domains. For example:
• in baking, recipe ingredients are often listed in fractional measures (1/2 cup of flour for 1 batch of cookie dough),
• in many commercials, retailers express statistics expressed in fractional form: o 4/5 dentists approve this toothpaste o 9/10 women prefer this lipstick
A fraction is a number that can be represented as the ratio of one integer (numerator) over another integer (denominator). For example, 4/5, 3/7 and 12/2 are fractions; the 4, 3, and 12 are numerators and the 5, 7 and 2 are denominators. By convention, the denominator is expressed as a positive integer. A fraction with a denominator of 0 is ill-defined.
The following examples show the results of adding and multiplying two frac-
𝑎 𝑐 tions: and .
𝑏 𝑑
𝑎 𝑐 𝑎𝑑+𝑏𝑐
+ =
𝑏 𝑑 𝑏𝑑
𝑎 𝑐 𝑎𝑐
× =
𝑏 𝑑 𝑏𝑑
Design and code a Fraction class that holds the information for a single fraction and defines the set of admissible operations on a Fraction object. The client function will use your design to evaluate expressions on Fraction objects. In other words, your Fraction class will offer the same functionality as other C++ built-in arithmetic types.
Store your class definition in a header file named Fraction.h and your member function definitions in an implementation file named Fraction.cpp.
Your design includes the following member functions:
default constructor (a constructor with no parameters): this constructor sets the object to a safe empty state;
constructor with 2 parameters: receives the numerator and denominator of a fraction, validates the data received and stores the received data only if it is valid. Your class treats data as valid if the numerator is not negative-valued and the denominator is positive-valued. If the data is invalid, this constructor sets the object to a safe empty state.
int max() const – a private query that returns the greater of the numerator and denominator
int min() const – a private query that returns the lesser of the numerator and denominator
void reduce() – a private modifier that reduces the numerator and denominator by dividing each by their greatest common divisor
int gcd() const – a private query that returns the greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator (this code has been supplied)
bool isEmpty() const – returns true if the object is in a safe empty state; false otherwise
void display() const – inserts the fraction into standard output in the following form if the object holds a valid fraction and its denominator is not unit-valued (1)
If the object holds a valid fraction and its denominator is unit-valued
(1), your function insert the fraction in the following format
If the object is in a safe empty state, your function inserts the string
no fraction stored
Fraction operator+(const Fraction& rhs) const – a public member query that receives an unmodifiable reference to a Fraction object. The object rhs represents the right operand of an addition expression. The current object represents the left operand. If both operands are nonempty Fractions, your function returns a copy of the result of the adding them together and reducing the result to lowest denominator (call reduce()). If either operand is in a safe empty state, your function returns an empty Fraction object.
Using the sample implementation of the w5_in_lab.cpp main module listed below, test your code and make sure that it works. The expected output from your program is listed below this source code. The output of your program should match exactly the expected one.
#include <iostream
#include "Fraction.h"
using namespace std; using namespace sict;
int main() {
cout << "------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Fraction Class Test:" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
sict::Fraction a; cout << "Fraction a; // "; cout << "a = ";
a.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction b(1, 3);
cout << "Fraction b(1, 3); // "; cout << "b = ";
b.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction c(-5, 15);
cout << "Fraction c(-5, 15); //";
cout << " c = ";
c.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction d(2, 4);
cout << "Fraction d(2, 4); //"; cout << " d = ";
d.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction e(8, 4);
cout << "Fraction e(8, 4); //"; cout << " e = ";
e.display(); cout << endl;
cout << "a + b equals "; (a + b).display(); cout << endl;
cout << "b + d equals "; (b + d).display(); cout << endl;
return 0;
Fraction Class Test:
Fraction a; // a = no fraction stored
Fraction b(1, 3); // b = 1/3
Fraction c(-5, 15); // c = no fraction stored
Fraction d(2, 4); // d = 1/2 Fraction e(8, 4); // e = 2 a + b equals no fraction stored b + d equals 5/6
For the at-home part of this workshop, add four more operators to the Fraction class of your in-lab solution. Implement the following member functions in the .cpp file of your Fraction module:
overload operator* as a query – your function receives an unmodifiable reference to a Fraction object, which represents the right operand of the expression. The current object represents the left operand. If both operands are non-empty fractions, your function returns a copy of the result of the multiplication operation in reduced form. If either operand is in a safe empty state, your function returns an empty Fraction object.
overload operator== as a query – your function receives an unmodifiable reference to a Fraction object, which represents the right operand of the expression. The current object represents the left operand. If both operands are non-empty fractions of equal value, your function returns true; false otherwise. If either operand is in a safe empty state, your function returns false.
overload operator!= as a query – your function receives an unmodifiable reference to a Fraction object, which represents the right operand of the expression. The current object represents the left operand. If both operands are non-empty fractions of unequal value, your function returns true; otherwise false. If either operand is in a safe empty state, your function returns false.
overload operator+= as a modifier – your function receives an unmodifiable reference to a Fraction object, which represents the right operand of the expression. The current object represents the left operand. If both operands are non-empty fractions, your function stores the result of the addition operation in reduced form in the current object and returns a reference to the current object. If either operand is in a safe empty state, your function stores a safe empty Fraction object in the current object and returns a reference to the current object.
Code your implementation in such a way as to minimize the duplication of source code. Reuse your functions wherever possible.
Using the sample implementation of the w5_at_home.cpp main module shown below, test your code and make sure that it works correctly. The expected output from your program is below the source code. The output of your program should match exactly the expected one.
#include <iostream #include "Fraction.h" using namespace sict; using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "------------------------------" << endl; cout << "Fraction Class Test:" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl;
sict::Fraction a; cout << "Fraction a; // "; cout << "a = ";
a.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction b(1, 3);
cout << "Fraction b(1, 3); // "; cout << "b = ";
b.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction c(-5, 15);
cout << "Fraction c(-5, 15); //"; cout << " c = ";
c.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction d(2, 4);
cout << "Fraction d(2, 4); //"; cout << " d = ";
d.display(); cout << endl;
Fraction e(8, 4);
cout << "Fraction e(8, 4); //"; cout << " e = ";
e.display(); cout << endl;
cout << "a + b equals "; (a + b).display(); cout << endl;
cout << "b + d equals ";
(b + d).display();
cout << endl;
cout << "(b += d) equals ";
(b += d).display(); cout << endl;
cout << "b equals ";
b.display(); cout << endl;
cout << "(a == c) equals ";
cout << ((a == c) ? "true" : "false"); cout << endl;
cout << "(a != c) equals ";
cout << ((a != c) ? "true" : "false"); cout << endl;
return 0;
Fraction Class Test:
Fraction a; // a = no fraction stored
Fraction b(1, 3); // b = 1/3
Fraction c(-5, 15); // c = no fraction stored
Fraction d(2, 4); // d = 1/2 Fraction e(8, 4); // e = 2 a + b equals no fraction stored b + d equals 5/6 (b += d) equals 5/6 b equals 5/6
(a == c) equals false
(a != c) equals false
Study your final solution, reread the related parts of the course notes, and make sure that you have understood the concepts covered by this workshop
Create a file named reflect.txt that contains your detailed description of the topics that you have learned in completing this workshop and mention any issues that caused you difficulty. Include in your explanation—but do not limit it to—the following points:
1. The operator+ returns a Fraction object. Explain why this operator should not return a reference to a Fraction object (like operator+=).
2. List the temporary objects in the tester module (the temporary objects are those that have no name and are removed from memory immediately after their creation; put messages in the constructors/destructor to reveal them).
3. List the simplifications that you made to your class to minimize duplication.