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OOP Homework 2 Solution

- Let, = ( , ) and = ( , ) be two points. Overload the following operators according to their definitions given:
Operator Type Expression Expression output
+ Binary + A new point = ( , ) where
= + and = + . This
operation represents a translation of the point by the amount specified by
* Binary ∗
where is a real number A new point = ( , ) where = ∗
and = ∗ . This operation represents a scaling of the point by the amount . The scaling is done with respect to the origin (0,0).
== Binary == TRUE (Boolean) if both points have same coordinates; otherwise FALSE
!= Binary ! = TRUE (Boolean) if the points are different; otherwise FALSE

-Let, and be two circles having centers and and radiuses and . Overload the following operators according to their definitions given:
Operator Type Expression Expression output
+ Binary + where is a 2D point. A new circle whose center is translated by the amount specified by the point . This operation represents a translation of the circle with respect to the origin (0,0).
* Binary ∗
where is a real number A new circle whose radius and center is scaled by the amount . This operation represents a scaling operation for the circle with respect to the origin (0,0).
+ binary + A new circle whose center is the
weighted average ∗ + ∗ (1 − ) and radius is + .
where = /( + )
- Binary − A new circle whose center is the
weighted average ∗ + ∗ (1 − ) and radius is − .
where = /( + )
== Binary == TRUE (Boolean) if both circles are of equal area; otherwise FALSE
> Binary > TRUE (Boolean) if the area of is larger than the area of ; otherwise FALSE
>= Binary >= TRUE (Boolean) if the area of is larger than or equal to the area of ; otherwise FALSE
< Binary < TRUE (Boolean) if the area of is smaller than the area of ; otherwise FALSE
<= Binary <= TRUE (Boolean) if the area of is smaller than or equal to the area of ; otherwise FALSE
++ Unary + +
+ + Increments of radius of by 1 unit. Should support both prefix and postfix version.

-Let, and be rectangles. Overload the following operators according to their definitions given:
Operator Type Expression Expression output
+ Binary + where is a 2D point. A new rectangle translated by point . This operation represents a translation of the rectangle with respect to the origin (0,0).
* Binary ∗
where is a real number A new rectangle whose points are scaled by the amount . This operation represents a scaling operation for the rectangle with respect to the origin (0,0).

-Create suitable examples to demonstrate all functionalities as specified in the cpp file.
More practice: [For online]
-Extend your program to include facilities for other geometric objects such as square, triangle, ellipse, etc.

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