Support Vector Machines
Data sets.
You are asked to build a classifier that distinguishes between scan images of capital letters of English alphabet. It is a good database for trying learning techniques on real-world data while spending minimal efforts on preprocessing and formatting. The database is made by a large number of black-and-white rectangular pixel referred to the 26 capital letters in the English alphabet. The character images were based on 20 different fonts and each letter within these 20 fonts was randomly distorted to produce a file of 20,000 unique stimuli. Each stimulus was converted into 16 primitive numerical attributes (statistical moments and edge counts) which were then scaled to fit into a range of integer values from 0 through 15. The columns of the dataset are referred to the following attributes:
1. x-box: horizontal position of box (integer)
2. y-box: vertical position of box (integer)
3. width: width of box (integer)
4. high: height of box (integer)
5. onpix: total # on pixels (integer)
6. x-bar: mean x of on pixels in box (integer)
7. y-bar: mean y of on pixels in box (integer)
8. x2bar: mean x variance (integer)
9. y2bar: mean y variance (integer)
10. xybar: mean x y correlation (integer)
11. x2ybr: mean of x * x * y (integer)
12. xy2br: mean of x * y * y (integer)
13. x-ege: mean edge count left to right (integer)
14. xegvy: correlation of x-ege with y (integer)
15. y-ege: mean edge count bottom to top (integer)
16. yegvx: correlation of y-ege with x (integer)
17. letter: capital letter. This is the column of the output y.
It is necessary to scale the data before the optimization.
You will be given a full dataset and you will extract the target set made up of images belonging to two (Question 1,2,3) or three (bonus question) classes.
For the Questions 1, 2 and 3, the target set will be made of images of the character O and Q (identified by the labels O and Q of the ”letter” column, in the target set, respectively). In the bonus question, there will also be images of D (label ”D”). You are not given a test set. You can obtain it by randomly splitting the target set into a training set and a test set with a percentage of 80 %, 20%. Use one of your matricola numbers ( or another fixed number) as a seed for the random split. A k−fold cross validation can be used to set the hyperparameters. Please note that the teacher has defined a test set that might be used to check the accuracy of your models.
The SVM problem Consider a nonlinear SVM with kernel k(·,·) and the corresponding nonlinear decision function
y pypk
where α,b are obtained as the optimal solution of the dual nonlinear SVM problem. As kernel function you may choose either a RBF kernel
k(x,y)= e−γ∥x−y∥2
where γ > 0 is an hyper parameter, or a polynomial kernel
with hyper parameter γ ≥ 1.
You are requested to train the SVM, namely to both set the values of the hyperparameters
C and γ with an heuristic procedure, and to find the values of the parameters α,b with an optimization procedure. For this last task you need to follow the different optimization procedures described in the following questions.
Question 1. (max score up 24) Write a program to find the solution of the SVM dual quadratic problem. Apply any procedure for identifying the values of the hyperparameters C and γ. To find the solution of the SVM dual quadratic problem, you can use any routine that exploits the gradient of the objective function. Note that using specific method for Quadratic Programming problems would be preferable and it will lead to better optimization performances.
Question 2. (max score up to 27) Use the same kernel and hyperparameters of Question 1. Write a program which implements a decomposition method for the dual quadratic problem with any even value q ≥ 4. You must define the selection rule of the working set, construct the subproblem at each iteration and use a standard algorithm for its solution. You can use any routine that exploits the gradient of the objective function. However the use of specific method for quadratic programming would be preferable. You must implement in the outer optimization loop a stopping criterion based on the optimality conditions.
Question 3. (max score up to 30) Fix the dimension of the subproblem to q = 2 and implement the most violating pair (MVP) decomposition method which uses the analytic solution of the subproblems.
Question 4. Additional bonus exercise. (1 point bonus)
Consider a three classes problem with the classes of letters Q, O, D. Implement a SVM strategy for multiclass classification (either one against one or one against all). In the report you must state:
- the chosen kernel;
- Only for Question 1: the final setting for the hyper parameterC (upper bound of the constraints of the dual problem) and of the hyper parameter of the kernel chosen; how you have chosen them and if you could identify values that highlight over/under fitting;
- Only for Question 1 and Question 2: which optimization routine you use for solving the quadratic minimization problem and the setting of its parameters, if any;
- For each Question:
- machine learning performances: report the value of the accuracy on the training and test set; (for question 1, report also the value of the validation accuracy, if computed).
- optimization performance: report the initial and final value of the objective function of the dual problem, the number of iterations, the number of function evaluations, the violation of the KKT condition, either as it is returned by the optimization routine used or evaluated by yourselves.
The comparison among all the implemented methods - in term of accuracy in learning and computational effort in training - must be gathered into a final table (an example below)
ML performance
optimization performance
Training Test
number number KKT cpu
C γ
accuracy accuracy
its fun evals viol time
Instructions for python code
You are allowed to organize the code as you prefer BUT for each question i = {1,2,3,4} you have to create a different folder where you must provide two files:
• A file called run i GroupName.py (e.g. run 1 Example.py,). This file will be the only one executed in phase of verification of the work done. It can include all the classes, import all the functions and libraries you used for solving the specific question i but it has to print ONLY:
– Setting values of the hyperparameters
– classification rate on the training set (% instances correctly classified)
– classification rate on the test set (% instances correctly classified)
– The confusion matrix
– Time necessary for the optimization
– number of optimization iterations
– difference between m(α) and M(α)
Furthermore, in question 2 you must print also:
– value of q