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Network-Programming Assignment 5 Solution

Part 1
In this exercise, write a program called "loud-echo" which accepts a TCP connection from a client, prompts the client to enter a string, and then echoes a capitalized version of that string back to the client, after which the server should close the TCP connection. The program should accept a TCP port to listen on as a command-line argument.
The following example shows program input and output. Note that we run the server in the background using the & symbol.
```shell $ ./cmake-build-debug/loud-echo 3333 & 1 5028
$ nc 3333 Enter a string: hello You entered: HELLO ```
Part 2
In this part of the exercise, you're going to be writing a web application called "db-server" which makes your db-lookup and db-add functionality accessible over HTTP. You're going to want to familiarize yourself with the HTTP protocol. This Stack Overflow post might be helpful, too. This is a big assignment, so give yourself plenty of time to complete it.
Acceptance Criteria
1. Your program must respond to an HTTP GET request to /records/$X. When processing the request, the program must look into its database to see if a record exists with offset $X. If it does, it must respond with a status of 200 and a body which includes the name and message of the record. If no record exists with offset X, your program must respond with status 404.
2. Your program must respond to an HTTP GET request to /records?q=$Y. with an HTTP response with status 200 and a body which includes the name and message from all records whose name and or message contain $Y. Your program must use only the first 5 characters from $Y.
3. Your program must respond to an HTTP POST request to /records. Your program can assume that the client has sent a request with Content-Type of text/csv. It must read a name and message from the request body, and must use that name and message to insert a new record into the database. After doing so, it must respond to the request with a response with an empty body and a 201 status.
The test suite provides a more-exhaustive set of acceptance criteria for your server.
Note: Ensure that you rebuild and reinstall the db library if you make changes to it as part of working on this assignment. You can do this from the 4-input-and-output directory by running the script, which will build and install libdb and db.h.

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