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MSDS954567-Homework 4 Solved

Problem 1. Let X1,X2,··· ,X6 be a sequence of independent, identically distributed Bernoulli random variables with parameter θ, and suppose we observe x1 = x2 = x3 = x4 = x5 = 1 and x6 = 0. Derive the posterior probabilities for Model 0 (  and Model 1 ( , assuming the following prior distributions:


In addition, compute the Bayes factor of Model 0 versus Model 1 in (a)-(c).

[Remark: Use paper and pencil to solve this problem, write down the detailed calculation process.]

Problem 2. Write your OWN code to simulate 100 samples from (a) Exponential distribution: Exp(λ) with λ = 2.8.

(b)   Normal distribution using BOTH Box-Muller transformation AND central limit theorem: N(µ,σ2) with (a) (µ,σ2) = (0,1) and (b) (µ,σ2) = (3.5,2).

(c)   Log-normal distribution LN(µ,σ2) with (a) (µ,σ2) = (0,1) and (b) (µ,σ2) = (−4,2).

(d)   Binomial Distribution: Binomial(n,p) with n = 10, p = 0.24.

In each case, plot the density of sample sets to illustrate (validate) your simulated samples.

For part (b), read the attached slides to learn the two methods.

[Remark: Use a computer to simulate those data; explain your code and results carefully]

Problem 3. Write a computing code and use the rejection sampling method to simulate a set of 150 samples from the following distribution with density


where ϕ(x) is the density function of standard normal distribution N(0,1) and  . Draw the density of those 150 samples.

[Remark: Use a computer to simulate those data; explain your code and results carefully]


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