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MNIST-Assignment 2 Solved

In this assignment we will implement a neural network to classify images. We will consider the so-called MNIST dataset, which is one of the most well studied datasets within machine learning and image processing; do checkout the page for some context. The dataset consists of 60000 training data points and 10000 test data points. Each data point consists of a 28 × 28 pixels grayscale image of a handwritten digit. The digit has been size-normalized and centered within a fixed-sized image. Each image is also labeled with the digit (0,1,...,8, or 9) it is depicting. In Figure 1, a set of 100 random data points from this dataset is displayed.


Figure 1: Some samples form the MNIST dataset used in the assignment. The input is the pixels values of an image (grayscale), and the output is the label of the digit depicted in the image (blue).

In this classification task we consider the image as our input x = [x1,...xp]T. Each input variable xj corresponds to a pixel in the image. In total we have p = 28 · 28 = 784 input variables. The value of each xj represents the color of that pixel. The color-value is within the interval [0,1], where xj = 0 corresponds to a black pixel and xj = 1 to a white pixel. Anything between 0 and 1 is a gray pixel with corresponding intensity.

The dataset is available in the file from the course homepage. The dataset is divided into subfolders train and test, and further into subfolders 0-9 containing a number of images on the form 0000.png-xxxx.png. (Note: Each class does not have exactly the same number of images.) All images are 28 × 28 pixels and stored in the png-file format. If you are running python we provide a script for importing the data, which is also available on the course homepage.

1          Classification of handwritten digits
In this hand-in assignment you will implement and train a feed forward neural network for solving a classification problem with multiple classes. To solve this assignment you need to extend the code from Assignment 1 in three aspects:

•  Softmax output Add a softmax function to the output to handle this as a classification problem. Use the cross-entropy as loss function instead of the squared error loss.

•  Mini-batch training Replace the gradient descent with mini-batch gradient descent to be able to handle larger datasets.

•  Multiple layers Extend the model to include multiple layers with intermediate activation functions.

Do the implementation in steps and test your code along the way, to simplify bug hunting. Observe, e.g., that for solving Exercise 1.3, not all parts of 1.2 have to be completed (i.e., read the whole assignment description before starting coding).

It is strongly encouraged that you write your code in a vectorized manner, meaning that you should not use for or while loops over data points or hidden units, but rater use the equivalent matrix/vector operations. In modern languages that support array processing[1] (in this case numpy in Python), the code will run much faster if you vectorize. This is also how modern software for deep learning works, which we will be using later in the course. Finally, vectorized code will require fewer lines of code and will be easier to read and debug. To vectorize your code, choose which dimension that represents your data points and be consistent with your choice. In machine learning and python it is common to reserve the first dimension for indexing the data points (i.e., one row equals one sample). For example, for a linear model

                                                                          zi = Wxi + b,                 i = 1,...,n,

the vectorized version (transposing the expression above to get each zi as a row output) for a mini-batch (nb) would be

                                                                                  WT + bT                                                                                                                 (1)

where bT is added to each row (called broadcasting in Python).[2] Note that in the main optimization loop we still need a for-loop over the number of epochs/iterations.

The chosen loss function Li for a multi-output classification problem is the cross-entropy loss which, for numerical issues when , is computed together with the softmax function. The cost J, for an M-class problem, is computed by summing the loss Li over all the training points xi

                                                                          M                             M

Li = ln(Xezil) − X yeimzim(2)

                                                                        l=1                         m=1

where  is the one-hot encoding of the true label yi for data point i

                                                                          for m = 1,...,M

Exercise 1.1 As you did in the previous assignment, derive the expressions for  and  expressed in terms of

  and , in this case for the multinomial cross-entropy loss presented in Equation 2.

Exercise 1.2 Implement in Python, using numpy, a feed forward neural network for solving the classification problem. It should involve the following functionalities:

1.   Initialize. Write a function initialize_parameters that initializes W,b for each layer in the model. Note that when adding more layers it is important that the elements in the weight matrices are initialized randomly (can you figure out why?). Initializing each element W by sampling from  where σ = 0.01 will do the job. The offset vectors b can still be initialized with zeros.

2.   Activation functions. Write two functions sigmoid and relu that implement the activation functions in Equations 3a and 3b, respectivelly


                                                                                            h(x) = max(0,x)                                                                          (3b)

3.   Forward propagation. Write a function linear_forward that computes the linear part of a layer’s forward propagation. Write a function activation_forward that applies the desired activation function to the linear output for one layer. And finally, write a function model_forward that produces the whole forward propagation for all the layers in the model. It is recommended that you also compute a model_state variable where you store linear outputs, activation outputs and parameters for each layer. This will make the backward propagation more efficient.

4.   Softmax and cost. Write a function softmax that computes the softmax activation function as shown in Equation 4.


Write a function compute_loss that computes the loss from the last layer linear output z, as shown in

Equation 2. For numerical stability when , reduce the magnitude of z by subtracting its maximum value before computing the loss (verify that adding a constant to z does not change the loss). Verify that this (stabilized) function gives the same answer (when z is not very large/small) as if computing the NLL loss based on softmax(z).

5.   Backward propagation. Write a function linear_backward that computes the linear portion of backward propagation for a single layer. Write two functions sigmoid_backward and relu_backward that compute the derivatives of the activation functions presented in Equations 3a and 3b. Write a function activation_backward that computes backward propagation with the desired activation function for one layer. And finally, Write a function model_backward that computes backward propagation for all the layers in the model. Here the model_state variable you stored comes in handy.

6.   Take a step. Write a function update_parameters that updates the parameters for every layer based on provided gradients. Scale the update step by the learning rate α, which will determine the size of the steps you take in each iteration.

7.   Predict. Write a function predict which, using the trained model, predicts the softmax outputs pi based on the corresponding inputs xi. This function will in this task more or less only be a wrapper for model_forward. Additionally compute the accuracy by counting the percentage of times your prediction —obtained as the maximum index in the softmax output pi— matches the correct class label.

8.   Mini-batch generation. Write a function random_mini_batches that randomly partitions the training data into a number of mini-batches (x_mini, y_mini).

Write a final function train_model that iteratively calls the above functions that you have defined. We expect that it should have as inputs, at least:

x_train: train data y_train: train labels model: defining the model architecture in some way (your choice, e.g. a vector with number of nodes in each layer) iterations: number of iterations learning_rate: learning rate α that determines the step size batch_size: number of training examples to use for each step

To monitor the training, you may also wish to provide test data (not used for training!):

x_test: test data y_test: test labels

and call the predict function every k-th iteration. We recommended that you save and return the train and test costs and accuracies at every k-th iteration in a vector, and possibly also print or plot the results live during training.

Exercise 1.3 Evaluate the code on the MNIST dataset using a one layer network. Use the provided code to extract the train and test data and labels in the desired format. You should be able to reach over 90% accuracy on test data. Note that if you implemented the mini-batch generation the training will be much faster.

1.   Using matplotlib, produce a plot of the cost, both on training and test data, with iterations on the x-axis. Also, include a plot with the classification accuracy, also evaluated on both test and training data with iterations on the x-axis. For the training data, evaluate on the current mini-batch instead of the whole training dataset.

2.   Extract each of the ten rows (or columns depending on your implementation!) of your weight matrix, reshape each of them into size 28 × 28 and visualize them as 10 images. What is your interpretation of these images? Include a few of these images in the report.

Exercise 1.4 Repeat Exercise 1.3, but this time implementing a full neural network with several layers. You should be able to get up to almost 98% accuracy on test data after playing around a bit with the design choices.

Exercise 1.5 Voluntary bonus task (for your own learning pleasure): Implement extensions to mini-batch gradient descent like use of momentum (easy) and ADAM (a little bit more work).

Use the ’Assignment template’ (on the Course homepage) and submit a pdf with answers to Exercise 1.1, Exercise

1.3 and Exercise 1.4. For Exercise 1.2, submit a zip file with your well commented code.

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