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Computer Graphics-Assignment 3 Advanced transforms Solved

The Vulkan application whose source code is contained in file Assignment03.cpp, performs to 4 advanced transformations using the matrices written in file transforms.cpp.


If you look at the code in transforms.cpp, you will see that all transforms are initialized to the identity matrix (which performs no transform..


If you compile and run the application, you will the requested transform see at top of the window, and a wireframe view of the wanted result. If the wireframe and solid object matches, you have done it right! You can press space and move to the next transform.


In this exercise, you can either use your own functions, or the following functions from the GLM library:


translate() rotate() scale() inverse() transpose() 



If you decide to use your own functions, please note that the assignment requires you to create a glm::matrix to store the final result. Make sure to insert your result in the correct order (i.e. specifying matrix elements by columns and not by rows).


Also in this assignment, you can move the view using the same keys as in Assigment0:


ESC – quit the application
SPACE BAR – move to the next transform
Q: roll left
W: forward
E: roll right
R: up
↑: look up
A: left
S: backward
D: right
F: down
←: look left
↓: look down
→: look right



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