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MIPS Project 1 Solution

In this start-up project, you are required to get familiar with both MARS (MIPS
Assembler and Runtime Simulator) programming environment and basic MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) instructions. Please write a program to perform Caesar's cipher (shift cipher). Both the input plain-text and the output cipher-text are in UPPER-CASE (maximum string length is 20 with space). The transformation can be represented by aligning two alphabets; the cipher alphabet is the plain alphabet rotated left by some number of positions. Following is an example with shift parameter = 3 (0 ≤ shift parameter ≤ 26).

Please submit your source code according to the following rules:
1- Write down enough comments such that you would receive higher scores.
2- The filename is your student ID (e.g., B12345678.asm).


Please input the plain-text:
Please input the shift parameter:
The cipher-text is: DEFGH

Please input the plain-text:
Please input the shift parameter:
The cipher-text is: GXJBP IFR

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