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Microprocessor Lab 6 Solution

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4VqH7BsrvsYb4qna0XRQa3WoiM30j5vhG9pdyCmiEZYeK_uU#slide=id. p1
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⚫ Video: ⚫ Basic(70%):
◼ Description: Connect a push-button at RB0 port with pull-up or pull-down resistor. Connect four LEDs at RA0 ~ RA3 port. Press the button to change the blinking pattern of LEDs, as in the figure below.

◼ Standard of Grading:
1. Connect all the LEDs and button to the proper ports.
2. The LEDs should change the state after pressing the button.

⚫ Advanced:
◼ Description: Connect a push-button at RB0 port with pull-up or pull-down resistor. Connect four LEDs at RA0 ~ RA3 port. Press the button to change the blinking pattern of LEDs, as in the figure below.

◼ Standard of Grading:
1. Connect all the LEDs and button to the proper ports.
2. The LEDs must work, as the figure shows above.
3. Write a macro named “delay” for blinking for 0.5s.

◼ Description: Connect a push-button at RB0 port with pull-up or pull-down resistor. Connect four LEDs at RA0 ~ RA3 port. Press the button to change the blinking pattern of LEDs, as in the figure below.

➢ First press: a -> 0.5s-> b -> 0.5s-> c -> 0.5s-> d -> 0.5s->e
➢ Second press b -> 0.5s-> c -> 0.5s-> d -> 0.5s-> a -> 0.5s->e
➢ Third press c -> 0.5s-> d -> 0.5s-> a -> 0.5s-> b -> 0.5s->e ➢ Fourth press d -> 0.5s-> a -> 0.5s-> b -> 0.5s-> c -> 0.5s->e ➢ Fifth press: Same as the First press.
➢ Sixth press: Same as the Second press.

◼ Standard of Grading:
1. Connect all the LEDs and button to the proper ports.
2. The LEDs must work, as the figure shows above.
3. Write a macro named “delay” for blinking for 0.5s.

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