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Microprocessor Lab 09 Solution

◼ Video:
◼ Sample code:
◼ HackMD:

⚫ Basic 
◼ Description: Use four bulbs as a counter to record the degree of rotation of the variable resistor, when the variable resistor is rotated, the form of the light bulb is sequentially changed to indicate 0~15. Please use 10-bit resolution and map 0~1023 to 0~15, the oscillator frequency needs to be >= 4 MHz.
◼ Example:

⚫ Advanced 
◼ Description: Use four bulbs to indicate 0~15. Please light up the bulb while rotating the variable resistor at a constant speed to show pi, which is ”3141592653”.

⚫ Standard of Grading
◼ Program in C only.

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