A. Solving Initial value problem (Ordinary differential equation with initial condition):
We want to solve following ODE (Ordinary differential equation)
y′ = f(x,y) where y(x0) = y0;
i.e. we want to get values of y(x) at different x points (0 < x < L) such that it satisfy the above ODE.
Different Numerical Methods:
1. Euler Method:
yn+1 = y(xn+1) = yn + hf(xn,yn),
where h = xn+1 xn. −
2. Mid Point Method:
yn+1 = y(xn+1) = yn−1 + 2hf(xn,yn),
where h = xn+1 xn. −
Detailed Algorithm for Mid Point Method: Input:
(a) Initial value (x0,y0),
(b) End point L,
(c) No. of steps N,
(d) Function f(x,y): Should be provided as different function,
(e) Analytical Solution (if available), y = g(x): Should be provided as another function for error calculation
(ii) Initialize a one dimensional array yval[N] with yval[0] = y0;
(iii) esum = 0, (To calculate L2 norm of error);
(iv) y1 = y0 + hf(x0,y0); (First step by Euler method)
(v) esum = esum + (y1 g(x0 + h))2; −
(vi) yn−1 = y0;xn−1 = x0; (vii) yn = y1;xn = x0 + h; (viii) For i = 2 : N
yn+1 = yn−1 + 2hf(xn,yn); yval[i] = yn+1;
esum = esum + (yn+1 g(xn + h))2; −
xn = xn + h;
yn−1 = yn,yn = yn+1; End For(i)
(ix) eL2 = N1 √esum;
3. Runge-Kutta method of second order (RK2):
where h = xn+1 xn. −
4. Runge-Kutta method of fourth order (RK4):
where h = xn+1 xn. −
Detailed Algorithm for RK4 Method: Input:
(a) Initial value (x0,y0),
(b) End point L,
(c) No. of steps N,
(d) Function f(x,y): Should be provided as different function,
(e) Analytical Solution (if available), y = g(x): Should be provided as another function for error calculation
(ii) Initialize a one dimensional array yval[N] with yval[0] = y0;
(iii) esum = 0, (To calculate L2 norm of error);
(iv) yn = y0;xn = x0;
(v) For i = 1 : N
k1 = hf(xn,yn);
y y
esum = esum + (yn+1 g(xn + h))2; −
xn = xn + h; yn = yn+1; End For(i)
(vi) eL2 = N1 √esum;
Problem 1: Let us consider following initial value problem
xy′ 2y = x3, where y(1) = 6.
We want to find distribution of y in 1 < x < 6 by above four numerical methods. Analytical solution of above ODE is given as
y(x) = x3 + 5x2.
• Write a function which calculate f(x,y) in y′ = f(x,y).
• Write another function which calculate analytical solution g(x) = x3 + 5x2.
• Write four different functions Euler, Midpt, RK2, RK4 where for each function INPUTS: x0,y0,L,N and
OUTPUTS: yval[N],eL2.
In each of these functions, functions f(x,y) and g(x) will be called for required calculation.
(a) Find yval[N] for N = 5,10,20 for all four methods. You should represent your output in tabular form. Table 1 represent one such table for N = 5. There will be similar
yn (Euler)
yn (MidPoint)
yn (RK2)
yn (RK4)
Table 1: Values of yn for different methods for N = 5.
tables for N = 10 and N = 20. [10+4+4=18]
(b) Find eL2 for N = 2,5,10,15,20,25 for all four methods. Represent your results in tabular form as shown in Table 2 [12]
Table 2: L2 error norms for different methods.
B. Solving system of initial value problems: Consider following system of initial value problems
u′(x) = f(x,u,v),
u(a) = u0,
v′(x) = g(x,u,v),
v(a) = v0,
where we want to find u(x) and v(x) in a < x < b such that both u and v satisfy above coupled ODEs.
Runge-Kutta of Fourth order (RK4) for system of ODEs:
Detailed Algorithm for RK4 Method for system of ODEs:
1. Initial value (x0,u0,v0),
2. End point L,
3. No. of steps N,
4. Function f(x,u,v) and g(x,u,v): Should be provided as different function,
5. Analytical Solution (if available), u = l(x),v = m(x): Provided for error calculation.
(i) h = L−Nx0;
(ii) Initialize two one dimensional arrays uval[N] with uval[0] = u0 and vval[N] with vval[0] = v0;
(iii) esumu = 0, esumv = 0 (To calculate L2 norm of errors for both u and v);
(iv) un = u0;vn = v0;xn = x0;
(v) For i = 1 : N
k1 = hf(xn,un,vn);
l1 = hg(xn,un,vn);
k4 = hf(xn+1,un + k3,vn + l3);
l4 = hg(xn+1,un + k3,vn + l3);
vval[i] = vn+1;
esumu = esumu + (un+1 l(xn + h))2; −
esumv = esumv + (vn+1 m(xn + h))2; xn = xn + h; −
un = un+1; vn = vn+1; End For(i)
(vi) euL2 = N1 √esumu;
(vii) evL2 = N1 √esumv;
Problem 2: Let us consider following system of initial value problem
where y(1) = e, where z(1) = 2.
We want to find distribution of y and z in 1 < x < 5 by RK4 method. Analytical solution of above set of ODEs is given as
• Write two functions which calculate f(x,y,z) in y′ = f(x,y,z) and g(x,y,z) in z′ = g(x,y,z) .
• Write two functions l(x) and m(x) which calculate two analytical solutions.
• Write the function RK4system where
INPUTS: x0,y0,z0,L,N and
OUTPUTS: yval[N],zval[N],eyL2,ezL2.
In RK4system, functions f(x,y,z),g(x,y,z),l(x),m(x) will be called for required calculation.
yn (RK4)
zn (RK4)
Table 3: Values of yn and zn for RK4 method for N = 5.
(a) Find yval[N] and zval[N] for N = 5,10,20 with RK4 method. You should represent your output in tabular form. Table 3 represent one such table for N = 5. There will be similar tables for N = 10 and N = 20. [10+4+4=18]
(b) Find eyL2 and ezL2 for N = 2,5,10,15,20,25. Represent your results in tabular form as shown in Table 4 [12]
Table 4: Error norms (eyL2 and ezL2).
C. Expressing higher order ODE as system of first order ODEs:
Let us consider following higher order ODE
y′′′ xy′′ + y′ 8y4 = y tanx, where y(1) = 5,y′(1) = 0,y′′(1) = 10
− −
We can express above equation as system of 3 first order ODEs as below
y′ = u, y(1) = 5 u′ = v, u(1) = 0
v′ = y tanx + 8y4 u + xv v(1) = 10
Problem 3: Let us consider following higher order ODE 3y′′ + xy′ 3y + 20x + 5x2 = 0 subjected to y(0) = 10,y′(0) = 19. −
We want to find distribution of y and y′ in 0 < x < 5 by RK4 method. Analytical solution of above ODE is given as
y = x3 + 5x2 + 19x + 10
yn (RK4)
Table 5: Values of yn and for RK4 method for N = 5.
(a) Find yval[N] and ] for N = 5,10,20 with RK4 method. You should represent your output in tabular form. Table 5 represent one such table for N = 5. There will be similar tables for N = 10 and N = 20. [10+4+4=18]
(b) Find eyL2 and ey′L2 for N = 2,5,10,15,20,25. Represent your results in tabular form as shown in Table 6 [12]
Table 6: Error norms (eyL2 and ey′L2).