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MDL - Machine Data and Learning - Assignment 1 - Solved

1      Introduction
1.1      Bias-Variance trade off
When we discuss model prediction, it is important to understand the various prediction errors - bias and variance. There is a trade-off between a model’s ability to minimize bias and variance. A proper understanding of these errors would help in distinguishing a layman and an expert in Machine Learning. Before using different classifiers, it is important to understand how to select a classifier to use.

Let us get started and understand some basic definitions that are relevant. For basic definitions when fˆ is applied to an unseen sample x refer here.

•   Bias is the difference between the average prediction of our model and the correct value which we are trying to predict. A model with high bias does not generalise the data well and oversimplifies the model. It always leads to a high error on training and test data.

Bias = (E[fˆ(x)] − f(x))2

where f(x) represents the true value, fˆ(x) represents the predicted value

•   Variance is the variability of a model prediction for a given data point. Again, imagine you can repeat the entire model building process multiple times. The variance is how much the predictions for a given point vary between different realisations of the model.

V ariance = E[(fˆ(x) − E[fˆ(x)])2]

where f(x) represents the true value, fˆ(x) represents the predicted value

•   Noise is any unwanted distortion in data. Noise is anything that is spurious and extraneous to the original data, that is not intended to be present in the first place, but was introduced due to faulty capturing process.

•   Irreducible error is the error that cannot be reduced by creating good models. It is a measure of the amount of noise in the data. Here, it is important to understand that no matter how good we make our model, our data will have certain amount of noise or irreducible error that cannot be removed.

E[(f(x) − fˆ(x))2] = Bias2 + σ2 + V ariance σ2 = E[(f(x) − fˆ(x))2] − (Bias2 + V ariance)

where f(x) represents the true value, fˆ(x) represents the predicted value,

[E[(f(x) − fˆ(x))2] is the mean squared error and σ2 represents the irreducible error.

If our model is too simple and has very few parameters then it may have high bias and low variance. On the other hand, if our model has a large number of parameters then it is going to have high variance and low bias. So we need to find the right (or good) balance without overfitting and underfitting the data.

1.2      Linear Regression
Linear Regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm where the predicted output is continuous and has a constant slope. It’s used to predict values within a continuous range, (e.g. sales, price) rather than trying to classify them into categories (e.g. cat, dog). There are two main types:

•   Simple regression

•   Multivariable regression

For a more detailed definition refer this article.

For a simple linear regression model with only one feature the equation is:

y  = w1x + b


•   y = Predicted value/Target Value

•   x = Input

•   w1 = Gradient/slope/Weight

•   b = Bias

For a Multivariable regression model the equation is:


y  = b + Xwixi


Once we have the prediction function we need to determine the value of weight/s and bias. To see how to calculate the value of weight/s and bias refer this article.

2      Tasks
2.1       Task 1: Linear Regression

Write a brief about what function the method LinearRegression().fit() performs.

2.2        Task 2: Calculating Bias and Variance
Radwait, a computer scientist, recently got a girlfriend and wants to buy a house to move in with her. He wants to buy the best possible house at the lowest possible cost. He goes to his friend Bajaj who is a realtor and asks him for data that can help him in his task. In this task, you need to help Radwait in calculating the bias and variance of a trained model which can help him select the best possible house.

2.2.1         How to Re-Sample data

Bajaj provides Radwait two datasets, i.e, train set and test set, consisting of pairs (xi;yi). xi corresponds to the house area, while yi corresponds to the cost of the house. This data can be loaded into your python program using the pickle.load() function. You then need to divide the train set into 16 equal parts randomly, so that you get 16 different train datasets to train your model.

2.2.2      Task

After re-sampling the data, you have 17 different datasets (16 train sets and 1 test set). Train a linear classifier on each of the 16 train sets separately, so that you have 16 different classifiers or models. Now you can calculate the bias and variance of the model using the test set. You need to repeat the above process for the following class of functions,

•   y = mx + c

•   y = ax2 + bx + c

•   y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d

And so on up till polynomial of degree 15. The only two functions that you are allowed to use are (from sklearn):

•   linear model.LinearRegression().fit()

•   preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures()

These functions will help you find the appropriate coefficients with the default parameters. Tabulate the values of bias and variance and also write a detailed report explaining how bias and variance changes as you vary your function classes.

Note: Whenever we are talking about the bias and variance of the model, it refers to the average bias and variance of the model over all the test points.

2.3        Task 3: Calculating Irreducible Error
Tabulate the values of irreducible error for the models in Task 2 and also write a detailed report explaining why or why not the value of irreducible error changes as you vary your class function.

2.4          Task 4: Plotting Bias2 −Variance graph
Based on the variance, bias and total error calculated in earlier tasks, plot the Bias2 −V ariance tradeoff graph and write your observations in the report with respect to underfitting, overfitting and also comment on the type of data just by analyzing the Bias2 − V ariance plot.


Figure 1: A balance between model framework error and model complexity

Note: The formula for Bias2 and V ariance are for a single input but as the testing data contains more than one input, take the mean wherever required.

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