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Math551 - lab11 -Solved

Goal: In this lab, you will learn to use the singular value decomposition for image compression.

Getting started: You will need to download the file TarantulaNebula.png and put it in your working directory.

At times you will also be asked to answer questions in a comment in your M-file. You must format your text answers correctly. Questions that you must answer are shown in gray boxes in the lab. For example, if you see the instruction

Q7: What does the Matlab command lu do? your file must contain a line similar to the following somewhere

% Q7: It computes the LU decomposition of a matrix.

The important points about the formatting are

•    The answer is on a single line.

•    The first characters on the line is the comment character %.

•    The answer is labeled in the form Qn:, where n stands for the question number from the gray box.

If you do not format your answers correctly, the grading software will not find them and you will lose points.


1.    Open an M-file called m551lab11.m and add the following commands

t=linspace(0,2*pi,100); X=[cos(t);sin(t)]; figure(1);

plot(X(1,:),X(2,:),’b’); axis equal

this will create a 2 × 100 matrix X = [x1 x2 ··· x100] whose columns are unit vectors pointing in various directions. The plot will show a blue circle corresponding to the endpoints of these vectors. Variables: X

2.    Now in the M-file, define a variable A holding the matrix


and a variable AX holding the product A*X. Note that this product equals

AX = [Ax1 Ax2 ··· Ax100],

so the columns of AX show where the matrix A maps each of the columns of X. Add the following lines to your M-file after the definition of AX.

figure(2); plot(AX(1,:),AX(2,:),’b’); axis equal

Now when you run the M-file you should see a blue circle in Figure 1 and a blue ellipse in Figure 2. This shows that A maps vectors that end on the unit circle to vectors ending on an ellipse. Variables: A, AX

3. Add the following line to your M-file and re-run the file.

[U,S,V] = svd(A)

Your output should look like this

U =


S =

V =
The function svd computes the singular value decomposition of A:


where U = [u1 u2] and V = [v1 v2] are orthogonal matrices and


is a non-negative diagonal matrix. Moreover

[Av1 Av2] = AV = USVTV = US    ,

showing that

                                                                              Av1 = σ1u1                  and           Av2 = σ2v2.

You can check this fact in the command window as follows.

>> A - U*S*V’ ans =

1.0e-15 *

                              0.8882          0.4441

                            -0.4441          0.2220

>> U’*U ans =

                              1.0000                    0

0                1.0000

>> V’*V ans =

1                0

                               0           1

Variables: U, S, V
4.    Plot the columns of V on Figure 1 by adding the following to your M-file.

figure(1); hold on; quiver(0,0,V(1,1),V(2,1),0,’r’); quiver(0,0,V(1,2),V(2,2),0,’g’); hold off;

The vector corresponding to the first column will be plotted in red and the second column in green.

5.    Plot the columns of US on Figure 2 by adding the following to your M-file.

figure(2); hold on; quiver(0,0,S(1,1)*U(1,1),S(1,1)*U(2,1),0,’r’); quiver(0,0,S(2,2)*U(1,2),S(2,2)*U(2,2),0,’g’); hold off;

The vector corresponding to the first column will be plotted in red and the second column in green.

6.    Now we’ll work on a bigger matrix. Add the following commands to your M-file and run it. (If you want, you can create a new cell by entering two percent signs (%%) at the beginning of a line and just run the cell from now on.)

%% (start a new cell)

Img = double(imread(’TarantulaNebula.png’)); figure(3); image(Img); colormap(gray(256));

This code loads an image as a real matrix and displays it on the screen. Each entry in the matrix corresponds to a pixel on the screen and takes a value somewhere between 0 (black) and 255 (white).

Variables: Img

7.    Perform the singular value decomposition of Img, save the output in matrices UImg, SImg, and VImg.

Variables: UImg, SImg, VImg
8. Add the following code and run the M-file.

figure(4); semilogy(diag(SImg));

This shows the singular values (the diagonal entries of the S matrix) for our image matrix (the scale of the y axis is logarithmic). Notice that the diagonal entries of S are ordered so that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 ≥ ···. One way of writing the SVD is


where r is the rank of A and ui and vi are the ith columns of U and V respectively.

If for some k < r, σk+1 is very small compared to σ1, we should expect

to be a good approximation of A. (This is called a truncated SVD.) This idea can be used for image compression as follows. Instead of storing the whole m × n matrix A, we instead store the m × k and n × k matrices

                                                            C = [u1 u2 ··· uk]             and              D = [σ1v1 σ2v2 ··· σkvk].

If k(m + n) is much smaller than mn, then storing C and D will take much less space than storing A. Moreover, if we wish to display the image, we can reconstruct A (approximately) as A ≈ CDT.

9. Add the following code to your M-file. %% (start a new cell) k = 10;

% compressed image

C    = UImg(:,1:k);

D   = VImg(:,1:k)*SImg(1:k,1:k);

% compression percentage pct = 1 - (numel(C)+numel(D))/numel(Img);

figure(5); image(C*D’); colormap(gray(256)); title( sprintf( ’%.2f%% compression’, 100*pct ) );

figure(6); image(Img); colormap(gray(256)); title( ’Original’ );

This code compresses the image as described above using k = 10 singular values, then displays the reconstructed image along with the original. It also shows the percent decrease in storage size required for the compressed image. Try several values of k to see how the quality and compression percentage vary with k. Set k so that the compression percentage is 80.23% before turning in your M-file.

Variables: k, C, D

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