You are to create an app named as YourFirstname_Weather as per the specifications given below, so that the app allows the user to view weather information for their device location.
• The app should fetch the current location of the user. Once the location is obtained, perform geocoding to get the city name & country and display on screen.
• Using the obtained latitude and longitude from the location, the app should fetch the weather information from the API. Every time the location updates, the weather information also must be updated accordingly and reflected on screen for the user.
• To fetch the weather information, the app should use https://www.weatherapi.com/. Please note that you will have to create a free account on their website to obtain the API key. You must use API key to execute the fetch request using URL of the format https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=YOUR_API_KEY&q=LAT,LNG
• You may use the API explorer provided by weather API to learn about possible response format. The following are some of the important fields to be extracted from response object.
temp_c, feelslike_c, wind_kph, wind_dir, humidity, uv, vis_km, and condition
• I encourage you to enhance the UI for professional look and feel in the app.