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MAP524 -  Mobile App Development - Android Assignment – 2 - Solved


You are to create an Android app named YOURFIRSTNAME_MyORDER (such as Jigisha_MyOrder) as per the specifications given below, so that the app allows the user to place an order for a single coffee and display the list of orders placed.


Screen 1: 

(20 points) The first screen allows the user to choose the details of their order such as  

▪  coffee type (such as dark roast, original blend, vanilla, etc.)

▪  coffee size (such as small, medium, large)

▪  quantity (number of coffees such as 1 cup, 2 cups, etc.)

You should use appropriate UI controls such as Radio Buttons, Spinners and/or check boxes for the inputs.


(20 points) Once user provides all the inputs for their coffee order, they should be allowed to click on a button which will create an object representing the coffee details (coffee type, size and quantity). You will need to create model object for the same. User should be allowed to add multiple coffees in the order. You should be maintaining the array of coffee objects for the same.


(20 points) Screen 1 must have an options menu in the action bar which should allow the user to open the next screen to view the list of all the orders placed. While opening next screen you must send information about all the coffee orders contained in the order array to the next screen.


Screen 2: 

(10 points) The second screen should receive the orders from first screen.

(30 points) After receiving the order details, display a RecyclerView with multiple items where each item displays details for each coffee (such as coffee, its size and quantity) in the order list

 received from first screen. Design appropriate layout and appearance for the RecyclerView item.

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