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MAE259B - Homework 2 - Solved

Mechanics of slender structures and soft robots 



[Optional] Chapter 6 Discrete Twist of course notes includes three short assignments. You do not need to include your code for this part.

[Required] Chapter 7 Discrete Elastic Rods Algorithm of course notes includes one assignment on simulation of an elastic rod.


 The URL to your GitHub repository. Your GitHub* repository should include the following items:

1.      A report in .pdf format (file name should be Homework2.pdf) addressing the questions asked. See the syllabus for formatting requirements.


2.      Source code.,should have one file named exactly as Main.[ext] that implements the 3D simulation; replace [ext] with the appropriate extension based on the programming language* of your choice. You may use as many helper functions/files as needed; however, execution of Main.[ext] should right away run the simulation. You should also include a README file containing instructions on how to run your code.

** In the two homeworks for this class, we are essentially rapid-prototyping a software that would be useful for the final project. In this prototyping phase, you can use MATLAB, GNU Octave, Python, etc. However, it is highly recommended that you use C/C++, FORTRAN, Java, etc. for the final project to develop computationally efficient codes.

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