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Machine-Learning-Homework 6 Solved

1           Precision-Recall Curves
In this exercise, we use sklearn’s digits dataset for an image retrieval experiment. Given any image from this dataset as a query, your algorithm shall find all similar images, where we define similarity by “contains the same digit”. Of course, only the features (i.e. the pixel values of the images) may be used for similarity search. The known labels only serve for testing the quality of the search result.

1.1           Euclidean Distance 
Define dissimilarity by the Euclidean distance between pixel values


To efficiently compute these distances, you should use vectorization (remember exercise 1b). Let D be the full dissimilarity matrix, i.e. Dii0 = d(Xi,Xi0). An np.argsort() of row Di now gives the similarity ordering of all digits relative to query digit Xi. The response sets Sim consist of the m nearest instances to query Xi (including Xi itself), with m running over all values from 1 to N. The positive class is defined by the instances having the same label as the query, i.e. Yi0 = Yi, and Ni = #{i0 ∈ 1,...,N : Yi0 = Yi} is the total number of positives. Each response set defines a pair

(precisionim,recallim) as

                                                   TPi(m)                                                     TPi(m)

                 precisionim = TPi(m) + FPi(m)                         recallim =  Ni

where TPi(m) = #{i0 ∈ Sim : Yi = Yi0} and FPi(m) = #{i0 ∈ Sim : Yi 6= Yi0} are the number of true and false positives in Sim. Compute the N × N precision matrix P and recall matrix R whose elements are the precision resp. recall values from these pairs, i.e. Pim = precisionim and

Rim = recallim (vectorization again helps). For each digit class k ∈ {0,...,9}, compute P¯k and R¯k as the average of the rows of P and R referring to class k, i.e. where Yi = k. Plot the resulting precision/recall curves (using m as the free parameter) and determine the area-under-curve (AUC) for each k. Do not use sklearn in this task.

Repeat the same steps with precision gain and recall gain defined as



(i.e. negative values are set to zero) and comment on the differences.

1.2           Hand-Crafted Distance 
Try to improve the area-under-curve by defining a 2-dimensional feature space optimized for similarity search. You can compute the new features from the original pixel values in any way you want. Create a scatterplot of the resulting 2D dataset. Which property should this scatterplot have in order for the new features to be especially suitable for similarity search?

Repeat the experiment from 1.1 with the new features and comment on your results. If you cannot come up with features that improve the AUC, report results for the best features you found.

2           Red Cards Study
In this exercise, you will take a look at a recent experiment in crowdsourcing research. 29 teams of researchers were given the same dataset and the same question: “Are football (soccer) referees more likely to give red cards to players with dark skin than to players with light skin?”. Interestingly, all 29 teams arrived at different conclusions (finding no bias or slight bias or severe bias in referee decisions), despite having identical data and instructions. Read crowdsourced-research-many-hands-make-tight-work-1.18508 for a comment in the Nature journal by Raphael Silberzahn & Eric L. Uhlmann, the initiators of the experiment.

We ask you the same question: Given the dataset, can you confirm or refute the question? To do this, please download the dataset from (1. Crowdsourcing Dataset July 01, 2014 Incl.Ref contains the dataset, README.txt a detailed description of the data and the images of the players[1]). Feel free to look at Crowdsourcing Analytics - Final Manuscript.pdf for a more detailed description of the experiment, its features, and the different methods participants applied to tackle the question.

2.1           Loading and Cleaning the Data
The first step consists of loading the .csv file and preparing the data for the experiment. One participant of the official experiment provided a nice jupyter notebook demonstrating how the python library pandas can be utilized to achieve this: redcard/blob/master/Crowdstorming_visualisation.ipynb. You should get inspiration from this example, but still choose your own data preparation steps. The following questions may guide you:

•   What do the feature names (e.g. column games) stand for?

•   Which irrelevant features might be dropped?

•   What relevant features might be missing, but can be computed? E.g., you can obtain the age of a player (which might be relevant) from his birthday, or create entirely new features by non-linear combinations of existing ones.

•   Are there missing data values (e.g. missing skin color ratings), and how should they be dealt with? (see

•   How good are the skin color ratings? Do the raters agree?

•   Should referees with very few appearances be excluded from the dataset?

•   Should features be normalized and/or centralized?

Categorical features (e.g. league) should be transformed to a one-hot encoding (see https://en. In case of league, you can also repreat the experiment independently for the different leagues to check if there are differences between countries. Provide a detailed description and justification of your data preparation.

2.2           Model Creation
Given features Xi of player i, we want to predict Yi = Ni,red/Ni, the fraction of games where the player will receive a red card. We will solve this problem using two model types: linear regression and regression forests.

Linear regression determines a weighted sum of the features Yˆi = Xiβˆ + ˆb, where optimal weights and intercept minimize the squared error:

β,ˆ ˆb = argminβ,b X(Xiβ + b − Yi∗)2


A regression forest works similarly to a decision forest (reuse your code from exercise 4), but leaf responses and split criteria differ:

•   The response of leaf bl is the average response of the training instances assigned to this leaf:


•   The optimal split into children bλ and bρ minimizes the squared error:

X(Yi∗ − Y¯λ)2 + X(Yi∗ − Y¯ρ)2

                       i∈bλ                                                                                      i∈bρ

Moreover, the check ’not node_is_pure(node)’ makes no sense for regression trees and should be removed. The forest’s reponse is the average response of its trees.

Implement the regression forest model. For the linear regression you may use either your own or the sklearn implementation. For both models determine the squared test errors by means of crossvalidation. Alternatively (or in addition – this will result in bonus points), you can also try to predict Yi = p(red card|Xi) via the posterior of a classification model.

2.3           Answering the Research Question 
Now perform a permutation test to answer the research question. To this end, create 19 new training sets where the skin color variable is randomly shuffled among the players. Each dataset uses a different permutation of skin colors, but keeps all other features and the response intact. This ensures that any possible association between skin colors and responses Yi∗ is destroyed, whereas the marginal skin color distribution gets preserved.

Determine the squared errors of the two model types on these new datasets by cross-validation as well. If all 19 datasets exhibit higher test errors than the original unscattered dataset, you can conclude that there is a skin color bias in red card decisions with a p-value of p = 1/20 = 0.05. If so, determine the direction of the bias by comparing the average of the Yi∗ for light and dark colored players.

2.4           How to lie with statistics 
Play with the data cleaning procedure with the following goal: Find two equally plausible cleaned datasets that give opposite answers to the research question, i.e. one uncovers a skin color bias, and the other does not.

If you succeed in finding such datasets, it demonstrates how easy it is in practice to tweak the data in the direction of the desired outcome, and how careful one needs to be conducting statistical research and interpreting published results.

2.5           Alternative hypotheses
Keep in mind that a statistical analysis like this can only reveal correlations between features and response, but says nothing about the direction of causality (statistical analysis of causality is also possible, but requires more powerful methods and larger datasets). Provide two alternative plausible causal hypotheses, besides the obvious “referees discriminate against dark colored players”, that might explain a possible correlation. Test your hypotheses with the data at hand.

[1] in case you want to improve skin color ratings on your own

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