Random Data Generator
a Univariate gaussian data generator
o Input
Expectation value or mean: m
Variance: s
o Output: A data point trom N(m, s)
You nave to handcraft your geneartor based on one ottne approaches given in the
You can use uniform distribution function (Numpy)
t). Polynomial basis linear model data generator
W is an x 1 vector
o Input: n (basis number), a, w
wo:ro +
o Output: y (a number)
o Internal constraint
a: is uniformly distributed.
Sequential Estimator
Sequential estimate the mean and variance
o Data is given trom the univariate qaussian data generator (1 *a).
Input: (1 .a) Function:
Call (1 to get a new data point trom N(m, s)
o Use sequential estimation to find the current estimates to m and s