In this assignment, you will implement some simple multi layer perceptrons and neural networks.
Dataset : [5 points]
1. Download the SEEDS dataset: Click Here
2. It has 210 data points each with 7 attributes, and 3 classes (1,2,3) denoting three different varieties of wheat. Consider the output as a one-hot vector. E.g., if a datapoint has a class ‘2’, consider the output of that data point as [0 1 0]. Normalize each attribute by z-score normalization: for each feature, every value is to be normalized to (value - m)/s, where m is the mean value of the feature, and s is the standard deviation of the feature.
3. Consider 80% of the dataset (randomly selected) as training data, and the rest 20% as test data.
4. Save this training and test data. In the rest of this assignment, you will be asked to develop various NN classifiers, and each classifier should be trained using this training data, and evaluated using this test data. In other words, each NN should be trained and tested using the same datasets.
You can use any library of your choice for preparing the dataset.
Part 1 : Building your own Neural Network
Build a neural network and perform the classification task with the specifications mentioned in Parts 1A and 1B. Your implementation should have the following modules :
1. Preprocess: Use this module to preprocess the data and divide into train and test.
2. Data loader : Use this module to load all datasets and create mini batches, with each minibatch having 32 training examples.
3. Weight initialiser : This module should initialize all weights randomly between -1 and 1.
4. Forward pass: Define the forward() function where you do a forward pass of the neural network.
5. Backpropagation : Define a backward() function where you compute the loss and do a backward pass (backpropagation) of the neural network and update all weights.
6. Training : Implement a simple mini batch SGD loop and train your neural network, using forward and backward passes.
7. Predict: To test the learned model weights to predict the classes of the test set.
1A. NN Specification 1 [30 points]
1. No of hidden layers : 1
2. No. of neurons in hidden layer: 32
3. Activation function in the hidden layer : Sigmoid
4. 3 neurons in the output layer.
5. Activation function in the output layer : Softmax
6. Optimisation algorithm : Mini Batch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
7. Loss function : categorical cross entropy loss
8. Learning rate : 0.01
9. No. of epochs = 200
The sigmoid function is defined as : σ(x) = 1+1e−x
Its derivative : σ′(x) = σ(x) (1 − σ(x))
You should define the activation functions and their derivatives. Do not use any inbuilt library for this.
1B. NN Specification 2 [45 points]
1. No of hidden layers : 2
2. No. of neurons in the 1st hidden layer: 64
3. No. of neurons in the 2nd hidden layer: 32 4. Activation function in both the hidden layers : ReLU
5. 3 neurons in the output layer.
6. Activation function in the output layer : Softmax
7. Optimisation algorithm : Mini Batch Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
8. Loss function : categorical cross entropy loss
9. Learning rate : 0.01
10. No. of epochs = 200
The function ReLU is defined as : f(x) = max (0,x) Its derivative : f′(x) = 0, if x <= 0
= 1, otherwise
You should define the activation functions and their derivative. Do not use any inbuilt library for this.
Your code must output the following for each of the two specifications :
1. Plot the training accuracy and test accuracy after every 10 epochs (in a single plot)
2. Print the final training accuracy
3. Print the final test accuracy
● For Part 1, you should not use any ML library like scikit learn. However, you can use numpy.
● Try using numpy array computations in Python, and avoid using loops as it may take a long time to train. Also it may be easier to implement in an object oriented format.
● You can also write a generalizable code to implement a Neural Network, where one can specify various hyperparameters such as the number of layers, number of neurons in each layer, what non-linearity to use, what loss function to use, number of epochs to train for, etc. Such a code can be reused for both Part 1A and 1B.
Part 2 : Implementation with scikit learn [20 points]
Use the MLP implementation of scikit learn: Click here for details
Use the specifications from Part 1A and Part 1B, and use the same training and test data as in Part 1. For each specification, your code must output :
1. Final train accuracy
2. Final test accuracy
Note: Use the same training and test data in Part 1A and 1B, as well as in Part 2.