1. Football competitions (with areas) Modify the previous football tournament app to first show all available areas of the competitions (you can get them from this api: http://api.football-data.org/v2/areas)
When user clicks one of the areas app will open other activity which will show a list of available competitions from that selected area. This API was already used in the previous assignment: http://api.football-data.org/v2/competitions?areas=2072
You should have two activities (one for areas and one for competitions) in your application.
Please follow good object oriented principles in your app design (architecture).
2. WebSocket based chat Create a chat application with web socket.
There are several libraries which you could use, I chose this one: https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket
Client example (please note that this example has been made for standard (desktop) java. You need to modify it a bit to make it work on Android.