Task 1: Debugging
In lab materials you will find two programs Student.cpp and Cake.cpp. The programs have various errors; syntax, logical and/or with respect to the sample output. Copy the files to your own working directory and fix the bugs.
The correct output for Student.cpp should be:
Student a is year 2
Student b is year 1
Student c is year 3
Student a is now year 3
Student b is now year 2
Student c is now year 4
The correct output for Cake.cpp should be:
Cakes are white with butter cream icing and 1 candle unless otherwise indicated
Order #111 chocolate cake with whipped cream icing and 8 candles
Order #222 yellow cake with chocolate icing and 1 candle
Order #333 banana cake with butter cream icing and 1 candle
Order #444 chocolate cake with butter cream icing and 1 candle
Task 2: Constructors and a friend functions
Write code Customer.cpp with two classes defined:
1. The first, Customer, holds customer data, specifically an identification number and a postal code.
2. The second, City, holds city information, specifically the city name, state and postal code.
3. Each class should have a constructor with parameters to set the relevant values for the data members.
4. Create friend functions that display a customer’s number, city name, state and postal code.
Write a short main() function to test the constructors, the member functions, and friend functions.
Task 3: Composition
Make a copy of the solution to Task 3, call it Customer2.cpp, and modify it to perform the following:
1. Put a City object inside the Customer, with the postcode for the Customer just
in the City object.
2. The Customer constructor should call the City constructor.
3. Write display functions in Customer and City to use instead of the friend
4. In the main() should be something like ...
Customer aCust(1572,"Wollongong","NSW","2500");
5. Try and access the postcode field directly from your Customer::display()
Can you?
Task 4: Destructor
Write code in MyClass.cpp with a class definition for the class MyClass. The class should have an integer data member for the number of elements, an integer pointer, two constructors (default; with parameters)and a destructor. One of the constructors should have two parameters. It should allocate dynamic memory for the integer pointer according to the number of integers and assign values from an integer array that passed into the constructor to the private array that the pointer points to. Display the integers of the dynamic array. Define a destructor to release the dynamic array.
Provide an example of the main() function to demonstrate the instantiation of one MyClass object with initial values.