You are to implement and test a dynamic memory management unit that can be initialised to operate on the following allocation schemes: First Fit, Next Fit, Best Fit and Worst Fit. (Next Fit is the same as First Fit except the search is commenced at the last allocated position and wrapped back to the start if the end of the array is reached.)
The following class declaration shows how this can be implemented:
typedef unsigned int WORD;
enum Policy{eFirstFit,eNextFit,eBestFit,eWorstFit};
class DMM
DMM(WORD *Memory, int Words, Policy Type);
char *New(int Size); // size in bytes
void Delete(char *Address);
void GetStats(int &TotalMemory, int &NumCompares);
. . .
Your task is to complete the class implementation so that the memory can be allocated and deallocated through the use of methods `New()` and `Delete()`. You may implement any private member functions and data you consider necessary. Save your work in files `dmm.h` and `dmm.cpp`.
When the above class is created, the constructor is passed the address of the memory to be used by the memory management unit and the number of `WORDS` comprising this memory. The last parameter indicates the allocation scheme used for allocating memory. This memory can be allocated with the new operator and passed to the memory management unit via the class constructor. (The reason for using `unsigned ints` for the memory is so that we can ensure that the data is aligned to 4 byte word boundaries and is efficient for transfers via the data bus
For example, if a user creates an instance of this class using the following:
WORD *Buff = new WORD[96];
DMM(Buff, 96, eFirstFit);
The following formatting will occur in the allocated memory segment:

This formatting is needed to keep track of free and allocated memory segments. You will notice that even though the memory segment assigned to the class is 98 elements long, only 96 are usable. This is because 2 elements are used on each segment to represent the header and tailer information (same). This header/tailer information indicates if the segment is free or allocated (i.e. bit 31) and its size (i.e. bits 0..30).
The `New()` method is passed an integer representing the size (in chars) of the memory to be allocated and returns the address of this memory as a `char*`. (Note: a `WORD` is four `chars` in size.) For example, if the user allocates 16 chars (i.e. 4 WORDS) from the above memory, the following formatting will occur.

When the memory becomes fragmented, the `New()` method should search for a free segment in accordance with the scheduling policy set by the constructor. If the free segment is significantly larger than the memory to be allocated then it should be split.
The `Delete()` function receives a pointer to previously allocated memory which is to be freed. When converted to a `(WORD*)` this should point to the first element of the allocated block. Before changing the memory, checks should be performed to see whether or not the block is allocated and whether or not the trailer of the block is actually the same as the header. If any one of these is not true then your program should terminate as you are probably trying to free a block that is not valid. `Delete()` should also look for segments on the left and right of the one being freed and if either, or both, are free they should be merged together into a larger free segment.
To analyse the complexity of our dynamic memory management unit we will count the number of allocations and `WORD` comparisons performed by the `new()` operation over the lifetime of the class object as well as how much memory was allocated. To do this provide extra private members for counting the total number of allocations and WORD comparisons performed when searching for holes and the total memory allocated (i.e. chars). The stats are accessed via the `GetStats()` method.
Once you have completed implementing the class write a driver program named `main.cpp` for testing your memory management unit. Your driver should receive 4 command line arguments: Size, Seed, Max and N, representing the size of the array, the seed for rand(), the max block size (WORDS), and the number of iterations done for each test, respectively. For each algorithm (policy) your driver should do the following:
Construct MMU with Size and policy
Sd = Seed;
For i=0; i < N; i++
NumChars = ( rand() % Max + 1 ) * 4
Addr = Allocate NumChars
if Addr == 0 break // memory full
M = NumItemsInList() / 2
For j=0; j < M; j++
Pos = Rand % NumItemsInList()
Remove Addr at Pos from list
Delete memory at Addr
The output from the driver should look like below. (Note: XXXX should be replaced with the appropriate input and performance figures.)
Tot Bytes Ave Cmps Per Tot Blocks Ave Cmps Per
Allocated Byte Allocated Allocated Block Allocated
Note: If valid arguments are not received by `main()` print an error message and exit.