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Java Programming-Assignment 3 Building GUI For Lights Out Game Solved

For this assignment, we are going to build a graphical user interface for our game Lights Out, using some of the code developed for assignment 2. You can base this assignment on your own

1         Solving the Game
The solution developed in assignment 2 was solving the game starting from a board that is completely OFF. We first need to generalize this work and be able to compute the solutions starting from any board positions.

1.1        GameModel
The class GameModel is used to capture the current state of the board. Its specification is as follows:

•   GameModel(int width, int height): the constructor. Creates an all OFF game of width width and of height height.

•   int getHeight(): getter for height.

•   int getWidth(): getter for width.

•   boolean isON(int i, int j): returns true if the location at row i and column j is ON, false otherwise.

•   reset(): resets the model to all OFF.

•   set(int i, int j, boolean value): sets the location (i,j) of the model to “value” (be careful, that’s column i and row j).

•   String toString(): returns a String representation of the model.

1.2        Solution
We need to adapt our class Solution to the new configuration. Important: here we want to add to our application, so all of the modifications that we make should not change any of the existing public methods or their behaviour. The new methods of our class are the following ones:

•   boolean stillPossible(boolean nextValue, GameModel model): this method returns false if the current solution would be impossible to finalize into a working solution for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model, should it be extended from its current state with the value nextvalue.

Note that the method returns false if extending the current solution with nextvalue would never yield a working solution, and true otherwise. Returning true does not mean that the solution can necessarily be extended into a working solution. It merely means that we do not yet know if it is still possible.

Note as well that this method should not modify the state of the object instance of Solution on which it is called. It does not extend that solution with nextvalue, it simply indicates if such an extension would annihilate its chance of leading to a working solution.

•   public boolean finish(GameModel model): this method assumes that the solution is currently still extendable for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model, but only one way. It keeps extending that solution with the one correct way that it finds at each step, until the solution is complete and correct for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model, or shown to not be work. It returns true if and only if the solution is extended into a complete, working solution

That method does change the state of the object instance of Solution on which it is called. If it returns true, then that instance is now a complete, working solution for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model

•   public boolean isSuccessful(GameModel model): this method returns true if the solution is completely specified and is indeed working, that is, if it will bring a board of the specified dimensions from the state specified by the GameModel instance model to being entirely “on”.

•   int getSize(): returns the “size” of the solution, that is, the number of positions that must be tapped. On an initially OFF 3x2 game, the solution that consists of tapping (1,1) and (3,2) is of size 2, while the solution that consists of tapping (1,1), (2,1), (1,2) and (2,2) is of size 4.


As you implement these new methods, you should avoid code duplication as much as possible in your class, so you may have to do a little bit of refactoring.

1.3        LightsOut
Here are the methods to add to the class LightsOut

•   ArrayList<Solution solve(GameModel model): The class method solve finds all the solutions to the Lights Out game for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model, using a Breadth-First Search algorithm. It returns an ArrayList containing all the valid solutions to the problem.

•   Solution solveShortest(GameModel model): The class method solveShortest returns a reference to a minimum size solution to the Lights Out game for a board in the state specified by the GameModel instance model. Note that there could be more than one such minimum-size solution. The method can return a reference to any one of them

Here as well, we do not want to change any of the existing public methods and behaviour, and you should avoid code duplication as much as possible.

1.4        Queue and a Queue Implementation
In assignment 2, our application relied on an interface SolutionQueue, which was a queue specifically meant for instances of Solution. The implementation of that interface was using an ArrayList.

We can now replace both interface and implementation with our own code. You need to provide a Queue interface that uses generics, and a queue implementation of your own making, also using generics. Make sure that your application now uses this interface and your implementation.

Note that the methods solve of the class LightsOut still returns an instance of “java.util.ArrayList<Solution”.

1.5        Testing
We provide a class TestQ1 which can help you to ensure that your code is working as expected. A sample run is provided in Appendix A.

2         LightsOut GUI
We now move on to creating our GUI for the game. Our game will have a few features. It is advisable to progress by iterations: first, get a working version of the game, on which the use can play and the correct information is presented. Once this works, add the capability to reset the game. Then, the capability to create a randomized game, and finally, the capability to superimpose a solution to the game.

Figure 1: The GUI on Lights Out on a 6x4 game.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a very common design pattern, and you will easily find lots of information about it on-line (e.g. Wikipedia, Apple, Microsoft to name a few). The general idea is to separate the roles of your classes into three categories:

•   The Model: these are the objects that store the current state of your system.

•   The View (or views): these are the objects that are representing the model to the user (the UI). The representation reflects the current state of the model. You can have several views displayed at the same time; though in our case, we will have just one.

•   The Controller: these are the objects that provide the logic of the system, how its state evolves over time based on its interaction with the “outside” (typically, interactions with the user).

One of the great advantages of MVC is the clear separation it provides between different concerns: the model only focuses on capturing the current state, and doesn’t worry about how this is displayed nor how it evolves. The view’s only job is to provide an accurate representation of the current state of the model, and to provide the means to handle user inputs, and pass these inputs on to the controller if needed. The controller is the “brain” of the application, and doesn’t need to worry about state representation or user interface. Thus each part can be designed, programmed, and tested independently.

In addition to the separation, MVC also provides a logical collaboration-schema between the three components (Figure 2). In our case, it works as follows:

1.   When something happens on the view (in our case, mostly when the user clicks the a position on the board), the controller is informed (message 1 of Figure 2).

2.   The controller processes the information and updates the model accordingly (message 2 of Figure 2).

3.   Once the information is processed and the model is updated, the controller informs the view (or views) that it should refresh itself (message 3 of Figure 2).

4.   Finally, each view re-reads the model to reflect the current state accurately (message 4 of Figure 2).

Figure 2: The collaboration between the Model, the View and the Controller.

• YouTube Video for the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

The model
The first step is to build the model of the game. We already have a starting point with the class built for the previous section, so we only need to complete it.

First, we need to add yet another method to the class Solution: a method to see if a given position of bord is selected or not. Add the following method to the class Solution:

•   boolean get(int i, int j): returns true if the position at column i, row j is tapped in the solution, false otherwise We then update the class GameModel with the following methods:

•   click(int i, int j): update the model after the dot at location row i and column j is clicked. It does change the state of that dot and the state of its neighborhood according to the logic of the game.

•   int getNumberOfSteps(): the number of times the method click has been called since the last reset (or since the beginning if the game was never reset).

•   boolean isFinished(): returns true if the model represents a completed game.

•   randomize(): restarts the game with a solvable random board instead of an all OFF board.

•   void setSolution(): forces the model to find a minimal size instance of Solution for the current model.

•   boolean solutionSelects(int i, int j): returns true if the model has been forced to find a solution and the position at row i, column j is tapped in that solution.

Note that it is not the model’s responsibility to ensure that the solution it was asked to compute matches the current state of the model. If the model has an outdated solution, or was never asked to compute a solution, then the value returned by solutionSelects will be unreliable.

A detailed description of the classes can be found in the documentation.

The Controller
Note: as a development strategy, we suggest that you first create a very simple, temporary text-based view that prints the state of the model (via the model’s toString() method) and asks the user to input the next square to select (by asking for a column and a line). Having this basic view will give you an opportunity to test your model and your controller independently from building the GUI.

The controller is implemented in the class GameController. The constructor of the class receives the width and height of the board. The instance of the model and the view are created in this constructor. It is also the controller which is the “listener” for all the components on the UI. A detailed description of the classes can be found in the documentation.

The view
We finally need to build the UI of the game. This will be be done based on the class GameView, which extends JFrame. It is a window which shows at the bottom the number of steps played so far, and on the right side three buttons, one to reset the game, one to randomize the game and one to quit the game. A checkbox is also available to superimpose the solution to the current board.

The board itself is made of a series of squares, h lines and w columns of them (where h is the height of the board, w is the width of the board). Figure 3 shows the full GUI.

Figure 3: The initial GUI of the game with the default size.

To implement the square, we will write the class GridButton which extends the class JButton. GridButton is based on Cell [1] from Puzzler by Apple. You can review the code of the program “Puzzler” seen in lab 7 to help you with the class GridButton. The code for GridButton includes a method getImageIcon() which uses the current value of the instance variable icon to find the correct ImageIcon reference. In order to use getImageIcon(), the series of icons must be put in a subdirectory called “icons”. We have provided 4 icons corrponsing to the 4 possible states of a position (selected/not selected in normal mode, and selected/not selected as part of a solution being displayed).

The game
When the user starts the game, an completely OFF board of the specified size is shown. Throughout the game, the number of clicks is shown at the bottom of the window. When the user completes the board, a message is displayed offering to either restart a game or quit as shown Figure 4. For the dialog window that is displayed at the end of the game, have a look at the class JOptionPane. This dialog window is created by the controller.

Figure 4: A finished game.

When the user clicks the button “random”, the game is reset and a new board is displayed. That board has been randomly created. However, you must implement this in such a way that the board is solvable. Figure 5 shows an

Figure 5: A randomized game.

Finally, when the “solution” checkbox is selected, a minimum size solution is superimposed to the board. The position that must be selected to solve the game are displayed using slightly different icons, as shown Figure 6.

As long as the checkbox is selected, the solution must be shown and therefore updated accordingly. See Figure 7 for an example.

The game is started from the main of the class LightsOut. The code is provided.

A Running TestQ1
This is the output of TestQ1 on our own implementation. You run should not generate any failure, obviously. The trace that you get might be different, and the “shortest” solution might be different (but of the same size).

$ java Q1Tests


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Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :



Solution(s) :



Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :



Solution(s) :



Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :



Solution(s) :



Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :




Solution(s) :


[true,true], [false,false]]



[false,true]] [[false,true],





[true,true]] Success!

Starting from :



[false,false] Solution(s) :

Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :




Solution(s) :



[true,false,true]] Solution found in 0 ms Success!

Starting from :




Solution(s) :


[false,false,false], [true,false,false]]

testShortest For model :



Solution found in 0 ms Success. Size found: 4 shortest solution found: [[true,true],

[true,true]] For model :



Solution found in 1 ms

Solution found in 1 ms

Solution found in 1 ms

Solution found in 1 ms Success. Size found: 2 shortest solution found: [[true,false,false],

[false,false,true]] For model :



Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms Success. Size found: 2 shortest solution found: [[false,true,false],


For model :



Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms Success. Size found: 1 shortest solution found: [[false,false,false],

[false,false,true]] For model :





Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms

Solution found in 0 ms Success. Size found: 4 shortest solution found: [[false,true,false,false],


[true,false,false,false], [false,false,true,false]]

testModel Success


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