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Java Web API Design with Spring Boot -Solved

You will keep adding 
to this project throughout this part of the course. When it comes time for the final project, use 
this project as a starter. 
Here's a hint: make sure you are running a version of Java that is 11+. To get the version, open 
a Windows Command Prompt window or a Mac Terminal window and type java -version. If 
you need to upgrade, go here: 
ug/downloads-list.html. Pick the .msi installer version (Windows) or the .pkg version (Mac). 
Project Resources: 
ResourcesWeb API Design with Spring Boot Week 13 Coding Assignment 
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Coding Steps: 
1) Create a Maven project named JeepSales as described in the video. 
a) In Spring Tool Suite, click the "File" menu. Select "New/Project…". In the popup, 
expand "Maven" and select "Maven Project". Click "Next". 
b) Check "Create a simple project (skip archetype selection)". Click "Next". 
c) Enter the following: 
Group Id 
Artifact Id jeep-sales 
Click "Finish". 
2) Navigate to the Spring Initializr ( 
a) Confirm the following settings: 
Maven Project 
Spring Boot 
Select the latest stable version (not SNAPSHOT or RC) 
Jeep Sales 
Package name com.promineotech 
11 (or whatever your version is)Web API Design with Spring Boot Week 13 Coding Assignment 
b) Add the dependencies from the Initializr: 
i) Web 
ii) Devtools 
iii) Lombok 
c) Click "Explore" at the bottom of the page. 
d) Click "Copy" to copy the pom.xml generated by the Initializr to the clipboard. 
3) In Spring Tool Suite, open pom.xml (in the project root directory). Select all the text in the 
editor and replace it with the XML copied to the clipboard in the prior step. 
4) Navigate to Search for springdoc-openapi-ui. Select the latest 
version and add the entry to the POM file in the <dependencies> section. 
5) Create a package in src/main/java named In this package: 
a) Create a Java class with a main method named JeepSales. 
b) Add a class-level annotation: @SpringBootApplication and the import statement. 
c) In the main() method, add a call to;. Use JeepSales.class as 
the first parameter, and the args parameter that was passed into the main() method as the 
second. The entire class should look like this: 
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; 
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication; 
public class JeepSales { 
 public static void main(String[] args) {, args); 

6) Refer to README.docx in the supplied project resources. Copy all files in the Files folder in 
the resources to your project as described in the README. Do not copy the files in the 
Entity or Source folders at this time. 
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a) Load the files that were added: right-click on the project in Package Explorer and select 
b) Update the project with the new POM dependencies: right-click on the project in Package 
Explorer, select "Maven/Update Project". When the "Update Maven Project" panel 
appears, click "OK". 
7) Using the MySQL Workbench or MySQL command line client (CLI), create a database 
named "jeep". 
8) Using DBeaver, or the MySQL client of choice, load the supplied .sql files 
(V1.0__Jeep_Schema.sql, and V1.1__Jeep_Data.sql) into the MySQL database to create the 
tables and populate them with data. These files are found in the project folder 
9) Create a new package in src/test/java named Create 
a Spring Boot integration test named FetchJeepTest using the techniques shown in the video. 
a) Add the @SpringBootTest, @ActiveProfiles, and @Sql annotations as described in the 
b) The class must not be public. It should have package-level access (i.e., not public, 
private, or protected). 
c) The video extended FetchJeepTestSupport, but you don't need to do that for the 
homework. Just put everything in FetchJeepTest. It should look like this: 
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) 
@Sql(scripts = { 
 config = @SqlConfig(encoding = "utf-8")) 
class FetchJeepTest { 

d) Create a test method in FetchJeepTest. The method must have the following method 
void testThatJeepsAreReturnedWhenAValidModelAndTrimAreSupplied() 
e) Inject a TestRestTemplate in the test class. Name the variable restTemplate. Inject the 
port used in the test using the @LocalServerPort annotation. Name the variable 
serverPort. The variables and annotations should look like this: 
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 private TestRestTemplate restTemplate; 
 private int serverPort; 
10) Create a new package in src/main/java named In that 
package, create an enum named JeepModel. Add all the jeep models from the model_id 
column in the models table in the database. You can use this query in dBeaver: SELECT 
DISTINCT model_id FROM models. 
11) Create a Jeep class in the package. Add the columns from 
the models table into this class as instance variables. Annotate the class with the Lombok 
annotations @Data, @Builder (and optionally both @NoArgsConstructor and 
@AllArgsConstructor). Note that modelId should be of type JeepModel and basePrice should 
be of type BigDecimal. The class should look like this (remember to add the appropriate 
import statements): 
public class Jeep { 
 private Long modelPK; 
 private JeepModel modelId; 
 private String trimLevel; 
 private int numDoors; 
 private int wheelSize; 
 private BigDecimal basePrice; 

12) In the supplied resources, copy all files in the Entities folder to the src/main/java/com/– 
promineotech/jeep/entity folder. Do not copy anything from the Source folder at this 
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13) Back in the test method that you were writing, create local variables for JeepModel, trim, and 
uri. Set them appropriately like this: 
Variable Value 
serverPort, model, trim); 
a) Send an HTTP request to the REST service that passes a JeepModel and trim level as 
URI parameters (as shown in the video). Use this method call: 
ResponseEntity<List<Jeep>> response =, 
HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {}); 
Make sure to use the import java.util.List and 
b) Using AssertJ, test that the response that comes back from the server is 200 (success) – or 
as is shown in the video: HttpStatus.OK. The code should look like this: 
Use the import statements: 
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;Web API Design with Spring Boot Week 13 Coding Assignment 
c) Produce a screenshot showing the completed test class. 
15) In src/main/java, create a new package In this 
package, create an interface named JeepSalesController. 
a) Add the class-level annotation @RequestMapping("/jeeps"). 
b) Add the fetchJeeps method in a controller interface with the following signature: 
List<Jeep> fetchJeeps(JeepModel model, String trim); 
Make sure you use the List from java.util.List. 
c) Add OpenAPI documentation to document the four possible outcomes: 200 (success), 
400 (bad input), 404 (not found) and 500 (unplanned error) as shown in the video. 
d) Add the parameter annotations in the OpenAPI documentation to describe the model and 
trim parameters. 
e) Add the @GetMapping annotation and the @ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.OK) 
annotation as method-level annotations to the fetchJeeps method. 
f) Add the @RequestParam annotations to the parameters as described in the video. The 
interface should look like this (omitting the OpenAPI annotations): 
public interface JeepSalesController { 
 @ResponseStatus(code = HttpStatus.OK) 
 List<Jeep> fetchJeeps(@RequestParam JeepModel model, 
 @RequestParam String trim); 

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g) Produce a screenshot showing the interface and OpenAPI documentation. 
16) Add the controller implementation class named DefaultJeepSalesController. Don't forget 
the @RestController annotation. 
17) Run the application within the IDE and show the resulting OpenAPI (Swagger) 
documentation produced in the browser. Produce a screenshot of the documentation showing 
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all four possible outcomes. 
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