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Java Week 6 Final Coding Project -Solved

you will be creating an automated version of the classic card game WAR. 
1. Create the following classes: 
a. Card 
i. Fields 
1. value (contains a value from 2-14 representing cards 2-Ace) 
2. name (e.g. Ace of Diamonds, or Two of Hearts) 
ii. Methods 
1. Getters and Setters 
2. describe (prints out information about a card) 
b. Deck 
i. Fields 
1. cards (List of Card) 
ii. Methods 
1. shuffle (randomizes the order of the cards) 
2. draw (removes and returns the top card of the Cards field) 
3. In the constructor, when a new Deck is instantiated, the Cards field should be 
populated with the standard 52 cards. 
c. Player 
i. Fields 
1. hand (List of Card) 
2. score (set to 0 in the constructor) 
3. name 
ii. Methods 
1. describe (prints out information about the player and calls the describe method 
for each card in the Hand List) 
2. flip (removes and returns the top card of the Hand) 
3. draw (takes a Deck as an argument and calls the draw method on the deck, 
adding the returned Card to the hand field) 
4. incrementScore (adds 1 to the Player’s score field) 
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2. Create a class called App with a main method. 
a) Instantiate a Deck and two Players, call the shuffle method on the deck. 
b) Using a traditional for loop, iterate 52 times calling the Draw method on the other player each 
iteration using the Deck you instantiated. 
c) Using a traditional for loop, iterate 26 times and call the flip method for each player. 
d) Compare the value of each card returned by the two player’s flip methods. Call the 
incrementScore method on the player whose card has the higher value. 
e) After the loop, compare the final score from each player. 
f) Print the final score of each player and either “Player 1”, “Player 2”, or “Draw” depending on 
which score is higher or if they are both the same. 
3. Tips: Printing out information throughout the game adds value including easier debugging as you progress 
and a better user experience. 
a) Using the Card describe() method when each card is flipped illustrates the game play. 
b) Printing the winner of each turn adds interest. 
c) Printing the updated score after each turn shows game progression. 
d) At the end of the game: print the final score of each player and the winner’s name or “Draw” if the 
result is a tie. 
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