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ITWS4250-6250 Lab 6 Solution

For this lab, you will create an XML file that conforms to the structure defined in an XML Schema and contains data as described below.
restaurant-schema.xsd defines the structure of xml data that could be used by a restaurant. xml_validator is a simple python script that will parse and validate an xml file. It requires the lxml pip package to be installed (pip install lxml), and then it can be run on the command line:
python restaurant-data.xml
By default, it will look for restaurant-schema.xsd to use as the schema, but you can optionally define another schema as another command line argument.
You need to construct an xml file: restaurant-data.xml that's structured according to the schema. It needs to include data that describes the following:
The restaurant name should be "Data Bites Restaurant"
The menu should contain at least two recipes
The menu should contain a recipe named "Chili", which would be in the "Fall" season.
There should be exactly three employees
There should be exactly one employee whose job is "dishwasher" and they should be paid "10.00". Some recipe should contain exactly 6 ingredients
You should submit your restaurant-data.xml file to submitty.
You will receive 8 points if your submitted file is properly formatted and valid xml (according to the provided schema).
You will receive 2 points for each of the above data elements that your data file describes.
Total 20 points

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