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ITWS4250-6250 Homework 4 Solution

In this homework, you will create triggers that will help maintain the consistency of a database. The database is an example of a database a restaurant might use to manage its food offerings.
What's in the folder?
restaurant-setup.sql contains SQL code that can be run as a superuser (usually postgres, but you could have other superusers as well) to create the database and user expected by the testing framework.
restaurant-data.sql contains SQL code to set up the database and populate the database. This will be run by the testing framework before each test, so that the database is reset to a known state. You can also run it yourself, if you want to be able to explore the data. contains unit tests for testing the implementation. I will use something similar (though not necessarily an exact match) for grading. contains a single supporting data structures: RecipeInstructions.
This relies on the psycopg2 module to connect to a Postgres database. You'll need to have that available when you run your python code.
It also relies on the python unittest framework. I believe that comes with python, but you can also download it (or use pip to install it) separately, if necessary.
The test framework expects a user named restaurant (with password restaurant) to have full privileges to a database named restaurant on localhost. You can run the commands in restaurant-setup.sql to configure all that. (Or you could also use whatever database and user you want if you change the connection_string variable in
You'll also need to specify the location of your .sql file, so that the test script can run it after it's set up the database. Change the homework_file variable to point to the correct location.
From the a terminal (or command prompt) in the homework-4/ directory, you can run the unit test suite by running:
python -m unittest
That will run the unit tests checking that the necessary added database functionality is present and works correctly.
You need to add checks, constraints, or triggers to add the following functionality to the database:
When an order is inserted into the order table, the database should check the following:
whether the ingredients needed for the recipe are present in sufficient quantity in the inventory table. If not, the order should be rejected.
whether or not the recipe specified in the order conforms to the kosher requirement. If an order is kosher (kosher=TRUE), the recipe must not contain any non-kosher ingredients. If the order is not kosher, there is no requirement.
whether the order starts with a value in the filled column. An order should not be permitted to start with a value for the filled column.
When the order table is updated so that a timestamp is added to the filled column of a tuple (denoting when the order was filled), the ingredients should be subtracted from inventory.
Once a timestamp has been added to the 'filled' column, it shouldn't be able to be changed.
You should upload to Submitty a single file: homework-4.sql. It should contain your fully implemented code.
The assignment will be graded by running similar unit tests on your submitted .sql file. Five points will be awarded for a passing unit test, for a total of forty (40) possible. No partial credit will be awarded for a failed unit test.

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