How to code summary queries
1. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns:
The count of the number of orders in the Orders table
The sum of the TaxAmount columns in the Orders table
2. Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each category that has products with these columns:
The CategoryName column from the Categories table
The count of the products in the Products table
The list price of the most expensive product in the Products table
Sort the result set so the category with the most products appears first.
3. Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each customer that has orders with these columns:
The EmailAddress column from the Customers table
The sum of the item price in the OrderItems table multiplied by the quantiy in the OrderItems table
The sum of the discount amount column in the OrderItems table multiplied by the quantiy in the OrderItems table
Sort the result set in descending sequence by the item price total for each customer.
4. Write a SELECT statement that returns one row for each customer that has orders with these columns:
The EmailAddress column from the Customers table
A count of the number of orders
The total amount for each order (Hint: First, subtract the discount amount from the price. Then, multiply by the quantity.)
Return only those rows where the customer has more than than 1 order.
Sort the result set in descending sequence by the sum of the line item amounts.
5. Modify the solution to exercise 4 so it only counts and totals line items that have an ItemPrice value that’s greater than 400.