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ITSE2409-Chapter 12 Solved

How to use the Management Studio for database design 



1. Use the Management Studio to create a new database called MyWebDB using the default settings. (If  the database already exists, use the Management Studio to delete it and then recreate it.) 2. Use the Management Studio to create the following tables and relationships.


3.       Define the UserID column in the Users table, the ProductsID column in the Products table, and the DownloadID column in the Downloads table as primary keys and identity columns.

4.       In the Downloads table, set the UserID and ProductID column as the foreign keys.

5.       Define the columns so none of them allow null values.

6.       Use the Management Studio to create indexes for the foreign keys in the Downloads table.  

7.       Use the Management Studio to create a unique index on the EmailAddress and ProductName columns and a regular index on the DownloadDate column.

Note: Zip and upload screen capture for each step above. File named as Lesson12FirstnameLastname. 

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