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ITSE2321- Program 9 Solved

Create a class called SavingsAccount.  The class should have a static variable named, annualInterestRate, to store the annual interest rate for all account holders.  Each object of the class should contain a private instance variable named, savingsBalance, indicating the amount the saver currently has on deposit.  


Write methods to perform the following:


•       calculateMonthlyInterest – calculates the monthly interest by multiplying the savingsBalance by annualInterestRate divided by 12.  This interest should be added to the balance.  


•       depositAmount – allows the customer to deposit money into the account (thereby increasing the balance.  Do not accept negative amount.


•       withdrawAmount – allows the customer to withdraw money from the account (thereby decreasing the balance.  Do not accept negative amount.


•       modifyInterestRate (static) – allows the bank to change the annual interest rate.  Accept only floating-point values between 2 and 5.


•       toString – get string representation of SavingsAccount object (prints the variable, savingsBalance


Write a test class named TestSvingsAccount to test the SavingsAccount class.  Instantiate two objects, saver1 and saver2, with balances of $2000.00 and $3000.00, respectively.  Set the annual interest rate to 4%, then calculate the monthly interest for each of the 12 months and print the new balance, at the end of each month, for both savers.


Deposit $1500.00 to saver1’s account and withdraw $550.00 from saver2’s account. Next change the annual interest rate to 5%, calculate the next month’s interest and print the new balance for both savers.


No input, processing or output should happen in the main method.  All work in the test class should be delegated to other methods in the class. Include the recommended minimum documentation for each method.  See the program one template for more details.


All methods not indicated as static should be non-static.  


Run your program and copy and paste the output to a file.  Create a folder named, fullname_program9.  Copy your source code and the output file to the folder.  Zip the folder and upload it to Blackboard.


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