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ITSE1479-Tax Calculator Solved

Tax Calculator 

Write a GUI program that implements the tax calculator below:


User Interface: 

The window should have a title of “Tax Calculator”. Move the Total Tax line up above the Compute Button. Add a Clear button, so the user can reset the values. Both the Compute button and Clear button should be at the bottom.


The program will have two inputs text areas and radio buttons for selecting filing status. It will calculate the total tax using these inputs. Default values for the fields should be zero.


The number of dependents should hold a maximum of 2 digits.


Each dependent is a $2,000 deduction. Calculate the dependent credit (number of dependents multiplied by 2,000) and create a text area to display the result of the calculation.


Add radio buttons for filing status. The overall label will be “Filing Status”. Then each radio button will have a label and display the percent next to it. The user selects one of these options to determine the tax rate. The single option’s rate is 20%. The Married option’s rate is 15%. The Divorced option is 10%. The default option is Single is selected.




Dependents:  Calculate the dependent amount by multiplying the number of dependents by $2,000.


After you deduct the total dependents amount from gross pay, then multiply the remainder by the appropriate status percentage. Display the amount of the tax in a line after the Dependents label and box and after the radio buttons. Give this line the label of Computed Tax. If you decide to show Computed Tax as a textbox, then you will need to disable the box so the user can’t enter anything in it.   


Total tax will now display the result of the subtraction of the computed dependent amount and computed filing status amount from Gross Income.


You may improve the User Interface any way you please as long as the above components are included.

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