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ITSE1359-Program 5 Data Types Numbers Solved

Requirements (remember to identify the requirements by number):

•        Name the source file

•        Format code like the examples.

•        Include comments in your code like the examples.

•        Code the requirements in the numbered list below.

•        Output a header in the console: “This is Program 5”


Requirements to be numbered in  


Write a program for a buyer for the Austin Whole Foods stores to use. Enter an Austin zip code (e.g. 78758) to see the six Austin area stores. Note: There is no data hard-coded in the program. All data is entered by the user.

1.  Print “This program records Austin Area Whole Foods product data.”

2.  Ask user to enter the number of stores to process. User should enter the number ‘6’ for the six Austin area stores. Store the number in a variable.

3.  Use the number the user entered to process the number of stores in an outer loop. Use the outer loop to ask the user to enter the following data :

•        Store Name

•        Store Phone Number

•        Store Address

4.  Use an inner loop to process the products. For your tests, enter at least three DIFFERENT products for each store. Store each of the three items below in appropriate lists named: veg_name_list, veg_plu_list, veg_order_quantity_list. Ask the user to enter a ‘-1’ to end. Ask the user to enter the following data:

•        Vegetable Name

•        Vegetable PLU – see this link for more information

•        Amount to Order – this just needs to be a number (e.g. 3, 41, 17)

5.  After the first inner loop, output the following that was entered by the user in item #3: 

•        Store Name

•        Store Phone Number

•        Store Address

6.  Then, still after the first inner loop, use another inner loop to output the following from the list data that was entered above:

•        Vegetable Name i - _____

•        Vegetable PLU i - ______

•        Amount to Order i - ______

All data is based on user entry. Produce output like that below for each of the five Austin stores. This is the combined output of requirements 5 and 6 for one store.:



There will be an output like this after the user enters data for each store. Use data like that shown to test your program so that when it is run it produces similar output.
Austin Domain


11920 Domain Drive

Austin, TX 78758


Vegetable Name 1 – Kale

Vegetable PLU 1 – 93095

Amount to Order 1 – 33

Vegetable Name 2 – Tangerines

Vegetable PLU 2 – 93032

Amount to Order 2 – 50

Vegetable Name 3 – Peaches

Vegetable PLU 3 – 93116

Amount to Order 3 - 99



7.  Print a statement explaining your experiences with Program 5.

TEST – TEST – TEST your application to ensure the specific program requirements are met.

•        Use the list above and the common requirements as a confirmation checklist.

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