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ITSE1359-Program 3 Sequence, Selection and Repetition Solved
Requirements (remember to identify the requirements by number):
• It is recommended to use PyCharm Pro to create this program and all subsequent python programs.
• Name the source file
• Code the requirements in the list below.
• Output a header in the console: “This is Program 3”
Requirements to be numbered in
1. Print “This program records votes for best players in the world.”
2. Ask user to enter three names of soccer players
3. Ask user to enter a total votes number for each of the soccer players
4. Use selection (decision) logic programming structures to determine the winner by the highest number of votes
5. Output a message with the name of the soccer winner and the number of votes the winner had
6. Ask user to enter three names of basketball players
7. Ask user to enter a total votes number for each of the basketball players
8. Use selection (decision) logic programming structures to determine the winner by the highest number of votes
9. Output a message with the name of the basketball winner and the number of votes the winner had
Print a statement explaining whether or not you enjoyed program 3.
Note: Use selection (decision) logic to determine winners. Do NOT use sort() or other techniques that have not yet been covered in the course content.
TEST – TEST – TEST your application to ensure the specific program requirements are met.
Use the list above and the common requirements as a confirmation
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