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ITSE1359-Program 2 Solved

Requirements (remember to identify the requirements by number):

•        Create a file using a text editor like Notepad++.

•        Name the source file

•        Code (“Pseudocode and Flowcharts” chapter) almost as shown but include Requirements statements in your output and include I/O symbols for requirements in your flowchart. 

•        Output a header in the console: “This is Program 2”



In addition to the standard flowchart required for each assignment, produce another flowchart to describe a sample program that you, personally design. No need to code this second program, just produce a flowchart. Name that file flowchart-<yourlastname.svg. Use to construct the flowchart. “Export” the flowchart file to an SVG file. Test to confirm the flowchart opens correctly in a browser.


o   Try to supply an example beyond the minimum like a copy of previous versions. Develop the habit of producing quality work.

•        Include the and the TWO flowchart SVG files in your submission to Blackboard.



        Requirements to be numbered in            


1.  Print “This program calculates strawberry sales for the month.”

2.  Ask user if s/he has sales to enter

3.  User enters sales

4.  Ask user if s/he has more sales to enter 5. Output total strawberry sales as shown.

TEST – TEST – TEST your application to ensure the specific program requirements are met.

•        Use the list above and the common requirements as a confirmation checklist.

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