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ITCS5180-Class Assignment 4 Solved
We will do two simple tasks, adding, and subtracting.
Main Activity
Calculating Activity
Calculating Activity
(a) Main activity
(b) Adding
(c) Subtracting
Figure 1, Screens
Please complete the following:
1. There will be two activities, (i) Main activity, and (ii) Calculation activity.
2. Main Activity:
2.1. Will have two Buttons: Add and Subtract.
2.2. One TextView with a fixed String, “Result.” 2.3. Another TextView to display the result.
3. Calculation activity:
3.1. One TextView displaying the operation it is doing.
3.2. Will have two EditTexts to take Double inputs.
3.3. One Button to calculate the result and get back to the main activity.
4. Tasks:
4.1. On Add Button clicked:
4.1.1. Go to Calculation activity, and set the text of operation TextView to “Adding.”
4.1.2. Take two inputs (Doubles).
4.1.3. On Calculate clicked get back to the Main activity with the result and set the result to TextView for result.
4.2. On Subtract Button clicked:
4.2.1. Go to Calculation activity, and set the text of operation TextView to “Subtracting.”
4.2.2. Take two inputs (Doubles).
4.2.3. On Calculate clicked get back to the Main activity with the result and set the result to TextView for result.
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