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IT5001 Lab 4-Tuples, Lists and other Iterables Solution

For Parts 1 to 3, try to come up with the answer without using IDLE/Python first. If there is an error, specify the cause and type of the error. Then type the expressions into IDLE to verify your answers. The objective is for you to understand why and how they work.
Part 1 Tuples
Code Output

tup_a = (10, 11, 12, 13) print(tup_a) tup_b = (“CS”, 1010) print(tup_b) tup_c = tup_a + tup_b print(tup_c)

print(11 in tup_a) print(14 in tup_b) print(“C” in tup_c) print(tup_b[1]) tup_d = tup_b[0]*4 print(tup_d) print(tup_b[1] * 4)

tup_e = tup_d[1:] print(tup_e) tup_f = tup_d[::-1] print(tup_f) tup_g = tup_d[1:-1:2] print(tup_g) tup_h = tup_d[-1:6:-2] print(tup_h)

tup_i = (1) print(tup_i) tup_j = (1,) print(tup_j) print(tup_i * 4) print(tup_j * 4)

print(min(tup_a)) print(max(tup_a)) print(min(tup_c)) print(max(tup_c)) print(min(tup_e)) print(max(tup_e))
for i in tup_b:
for i in range(5): print(i)
for i in range(2,5): print(i)
for i in range(2,5,2): print(i)
for i in range(5,1,-1): print(i)
for i in range(5,6,-1): print(i)
Part 2 Lists
Code Output

lst_a = [“CS”, 1010] print(lst_a)
lst_b = [“E”,(“is”, “easy”)] print(lst_b) lst_c = lst_a + lst_b print(lst_c)

tup_a = (“CS”, 1010) tup_a[1] = 2030 lst_a[1] = 2030 print(lst_a)

lst_a.append(“E”) print(lst_a) lst_a.extend(“easy”) print(lst_a)

cpy_b = lst_b[:] print(cpy_b) cpy_b[1] = “is hard” print(cpy_b) print(lst_b)
lst_d = [1, [2], 3] cpy_d = lst_d[:] print(cpy_d) print(lst_d) lst_d[1][0] = 9 print(cpy_d) print(lst_d)

print(lst_d == cpy_d) print(lst_d is cpy_d) print(lst_d[1] == cpy_d[1]) print(lst_d[1] is cpy_d[1])
Part 3 Mutation
Code Output
x = 1 y = x x = 2 print(x) print(y)

lstx = [1,2,3] lsty = lstx lstx[0] = 999 print(lstx) print(lsty)

What is the difference between the two code snippets above?
Code Output
a = 4 def foo(x): x = x * 2 print(x)
print(a) foo(a) print(a)

lsta = [1,2,3]
def foo2(lst):
lst[0] = lst[0]*2 lst[1] = lst[1]*2 print(lst)

print(lsta) foo2(lsta) print(lsta)
What is the difference between the two code snippets above?
We can add mixed data types into tuples and/or lists. In this exercise, you are hired by NUS to improve the EduRec system because of the many complaints received. You are provided with an implementation for courses as follows:
def make_course(code, units):
return (code, units)
def make_units(lec, tut, lab, hw, prep):
return (lec, tut, lab, hw, prep)
def get_course_code(course):
return course[0]
def get_course_units(course): return course[1][0] + course[1][1] + course[1][2] + course[1][3] + course[1][4]
Abstraction is the removal of unnecessary details from the problem we want to solve. When these details are
‘abstracted away’, we can have a clearer view of the problem. You are to respect abstraction barriers in this question. One way to think of it is to assume you do not know what statements are in the inner body of the above functions. For instance, to obtain the course code from a course course, you should not know that you can index course at position
0. Instead, you should make use of the function get_module_code(course).

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