Step 01 - Compile the following code
This assignment is actually very straightforward – if not simple. While the assignment may be straightforward, the concepts are not.
This assignment ties in most of the major concepts of building objects from other objects – using Inheritance as well as composition.
The task is not to write any new code, I simply want you to understand the concepts and assemble the code and get it to work.
I want you to take the following UML Object Model and create the code stubs.
By code stubs, I mean that you should create a project that includes the following Java files within the project, all with the methods and attributes specified by the various class diagrams.
Here are some major hints.
interface Nameable { public abstract String getName(); public void setName(String n); }
abstract class Mammal { public void generateHeat() { System.out.println("Generating Heat");
} }
class Dog { Head head;
String name;
public void makeNoise() {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String n){
name = n;
class Head {
double headSize;
Finally, you will create a main application class called TestDog where you will create a single Dog called
public class TestDog {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Dog fido = new Dog();
fido.setName("Fido"); System.out.println("Name = " + fido.getName());
The primary task here is to assemble everything so that it works! You don't have to write the code - just assemble it!
Step 02 – Run the code (the output should look something like this)