1. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Products table:
a) The list_price column
b) A column that uses the FORMAT function to return the list_price column with 1 digit to the right of the decimal point
c) A column that uses the CONVERT function to return the list_price column as a signed integer
d) A column that uses the CAST function to return the list_price column as a signed integer
2. Write a SELECT statement that returns the following information from the email_address column in the customers table.
a) Email address
b) The length of the email address with the alias “Length”
c) The location of the “@” sign with the alias “@”
d) The email address username (before the “@”) with the alias “Username”
e) The email address domain (after the “@”) with the alias “Domain”
3. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Products table: a) list_price
b) discount_percent
c) A column named discount_amount that uses the previous two columns to calculate the discount amount and uses the ROUND function to round the result, so it has 2 decimal digits
4. Write a SELECT statement that returns these columns from the Orders table:
a) The order_id column
b) The order_date column
c) A column named approx_ship_date that’s calculated by adding 2 days to the order_date column
d) The ship_date column if it doesn’t contain a null value
e) A column named days_to_ship that shows the number of days between the order date and the ship date
f) When you have this working, add a WHERE clause that retrieves just the orders for March 2018.
5. Write a SELECT statement that uses the analytic functions to get the highest and lowest sales by product within each category. Return these columns:
a) The category_name column from the Categories table
b) The product_name column from the Products table
c) A column named total_sales that shows the sum of the sales for each product with sales in the Order_Items table
d) A column named highest_sales that uses the FIRST_VALUE function to show the name of the product with the highest sales within each category
e) A column named lowest_sales that uses the LAST_VALUE function to show the name of the product with the lowest sales within each category
6. Create a view named order_item_products that returns columns from the Orders, Order_Items, and Products tables. Build your view in stages:
a) This view should return these columns from the Orders table: order_id, order_date, tax_amount, and ship_date.
b) Next, add the product_name column from the Products table.
c) Next, add the following from the Order_Items table: item_price, discount_amount, final_price (the discount amount subtracted from the item price), quantity, and item_total (the calculated total for the item).
d) Submit the script file of your view and, an image of the view output.