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IT124-Program 4 Point and Triangle Class Solved
Create a point class
· Each point consists of the X,Y coordinates
· Point p1 = new Point(3.4, 5.7);
· There will be two attributes: (xValue and yValue; each of type double)
· There will be three public methods: getX, getY and equals, which returns a Boolean when called with p1.equals(p2)
Create a triangle class
· Constructor accepts the name (String) and 3 points as vertices.
· Triangle myTri[0] = new Triangle(name,p1, p2, p3);
· The attributes of a triangle will be:
o name (a string)
o vert1, vert2, vert3 (each of type Point)
o side1, side2, side3 (each of type double)
· There will be a private method:
o sideLength(p1,p2) will return the distance between two points. This will be called from the constructor.
· There will be two public methods:
o myTri[0].listVertices() will result in printing the vertices’ coordinates, nicely formatted.
o myTri[0].listSides() will result in printing the triangle’s sides’ lengths, nicely formatted.
· sideLength(p1,p2) will return the distance between two points. This will be called from the constructor.
· printName() will return the name of the triangle as a nicely formatted string.
· listVertices() will return the vertices’ coordinates as a nicely formatted string.
· listSides() will return the triangle’s sides’ lengths as a nicely formatted 3-line string.
· read in a line of data from points.txt (see GetPoints)
· this data will be used to create three points
· throw an exception if the three points are collinear or there are duplicates
· the three points will be used to create a triangle
· the triangle will be placed in an arraylist of triangles (named myTri)
· each of the methods (above) will be applied to the triangle
· the triangle’s data will be printed
· this will be repeated for multiple triangles, until the end of the data file is reached
sample output for each triangle
The name of the triangle is Sally.
Vertices: (1.4, 2.3), (3.2, 4.1), (5.0, 6.9)
Side 1 is 5.84
Side 2 is 3.33
Side 3 is 2.55
sample input file (Note: The data file will have one space to separate items.)
Sally 1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.0 6.9
Mickey -4 0 4 0 0 6.9282
FredEQ -2.161 -3.366 2.161 3.366 -5.83 3.743
Bob 3.54 5.46 -4.54 5.557 3.1 -2.1
Alex 0 4 0 2 0 -2
Randi -4 3 1 3 6 3
The input file will be named triInput.txt (Hard-code the name into your program.)
The output should be displayed on the screen and written to the file called XXmyTri.txt
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