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isye6501 Solution


• The homework will be peer-graded. In analytics modeling, there are often lots of different approaches that work well, and I want you to see not just your own, but also others.
• The homework grading scale reflects the fact that the primary purpose of homework is learning:

Rating Meaning Point value (out of 100)
4 All correct (perhaps except a few details) with a deeper solution than expected 100
3 Most or all correct 90
2 Not correct, but a reasonable attempt 75
1 Not correct, insufficient effort 50
0 Not submitted 0

Question 4.1

Describe a situation or problem from your job, everyday life, current events, etc., for which a clustering model would be appropriate. List some (up to 5) predictors that you might use.

Question 4.2

The iris data set iris.txt contains 150 data points, each with four predictor variables and one categorical response. The predictors are the width and length of the sepal and petal of flowers and the response is the type of flower. The data is available from the R library datasets and can be accessed with iris once the library is loaded. It is also available at the UCI Machine Learning Repository
( ). The response values are only given to see how well a specific method performed and should not be used to build the model.

Use the R function kmeans to cluster the points as well as possible. Report the best combination of predictors, your suggested value of k, and how well your best clustering predicts flower type.

Question 5.1

Using crime data from the file uscrime.txt (, description at, test to see whether there are any outliers in the last column (number of crimes per 100,000 people). Use the grubbs.test function in the outliers package in R.

Describe a situation or problem from your job, everyday life, current events, etc., for which a Change Detection model would be appropriate. Applying the CUSUM technique, how would you choose the critical value and the threshold?

Question 6.2

2. Use a CUSUM approach to make a judgment of whether Atlanta’s summer climate has gotten warmer in that time (and if so, when).

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