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ISIT207 Assignment 1 Solution

The objectives of this assignment include learning:
• HTML5 and CSS
• JavasScript (note that you are NOT allowed to use JQuery or other JavaScript library/framework)

Task 1: (7 marks)

 At least 2 html files
 Only 1 external CSS file should accompany all your webpages
 Appropriate images need to be used
 Proper use of Layout Tables
 Both colspan and rowspan should be used in the table
 Links to external sites and URL relative referencing should be used
 Figure and figure captions should be used
 Overflow properties need to be used
 An appropriate image should be used for at least one of the buttons
 Appropriate positioning needs to be used
 Appropriate floating elements need to be used
 Hovers need to be used to make thumbnails

Task 2: (8 marks)

Enhance your gift shop website in task 1 to incorporate JavaScript features. In enhancing this website, please use all the following:
 External JavaScript file(s) need to be used (do NOT use inline or embedded ways)
 JavaScript functions need to be used
 Variables, comparison operators, logical operators need to be used  Conditionals and loops need to be used
 Alerts need to be used
 Listener approach needs to be used
 Appropriate validations need to be used

Demo: To be advised


You are to create two folders. All files that are needed for task 1 must be stored in a folder call “Task1”, and all files that are needed for task 2 must be stored in a folder call “Task 2”. Zip the two folders together and upload to Moodle. Include your student name, student ID (UOW ID) as comments in all the files.

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