Problem 1
Read the Hitters.csv data into a dataframe, drop the rows with NaNs, and create dummy variables to replace the three category columns (use the drop_first=True parameter in the Pandas get_dummies() function.
import math; import numpy; import pandas; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split;
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, RidgeCV, Lasso, LassoCV, LinearRegression; from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error; from itertools import combinations; import statsmodels.api as sm; import warnings;
df1 = pandas.read_csv("Hitters.csv");
df1_na = df1.dropna();
df1_na_dm = pandas.get_dummies(df1_na, columns = ["League", "Division", "NewLeague"], drop_first = True); print(df1_na_dm);
In [1]:
AtBat Hits HmRun Runs RBI Walks Years CAtBat CHits CHmRun 1 315 81 7 24 38 39 14 3449 835 69
2 479 130 18 66 72 76 3 1624 457 63
3 496 141 20 65 78 37 11 5628 1575 225
4 321 87 10 39 42 30 2 396 101 12 5 594 169 4 74 51 35 11 4408 1133 19 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
317 497 127 7 65 48 37 5 2703 806 32
318 492 136 5 76 50 94 12 5511 1511 39 319 475 126 3 61 43 52 6 1700 433 7
320 573 144 9 85 60 78 8 3198 857 97
321 631 170 9 77 44 31 11 4908 1457 30
CRuns CRBI CWalks PutOuts Assists Errors Salary League_N
1 321 414 375 632 43 10 475.0 1
2 224 266 263 880 82 14 480.0 0
3 828 838 354 200 11 3 500.0 1 4 48 46 33 805 40 4 91.5 1
5 501 336 194 282 421 25 750.0 0 .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
317 379 311 138 325 9 3 700.0 1 318 897 451 875 313 381 20 875.0 0
319 217 93 146 37 113 7 385.0 0
320 470 420 332 1314 131 12 960.0 0 321 775 357 249 408 4 3 1000.0 0
Division_W NewLeague_N
1 1 1
2 1 0 3 0 1
4 0 1
5 1 0 .. ... ... 317 0 1
318 0 0
319 1 0
320 0 0
321 1 0
[263 rows x 20 columns]
1b) Use the same array of 100 possible values of lambdas from 10−2 to 1010 that we used in the class example, create a plot of lasso coefficients as a function of lambda. Use the full dataset.
lambdaList = 10 ** numpy.linspace(10, -2, 100);
X_columnList = df1_na_dm.columns.drop("Salary");
X = df1_na_dm[X_columnList];
Y = df1_na_dm["Salary"];
coefList = [];
df1_na_dm_lasso_model = Lasso(normalize = True);
for l in lambdaList:
df1_na_dm_lasso_model.set_params(alpha = l); df1_na_dm_lasso_model.fit(X, Y);
In [2]:
df_lasso_coef = pandas.DataFrame(coefList); df_lasso_coef.columns = X_columnList; df_lasso_coef.index = lambdaList; df_lasso_coef.index.name = "lambda";
df_lasso_coef.plot(figsize = (12, 6), grid = True, logx = True, xlim = (0.01 / 2, 10 ** 7)); plt.legend(loc = "right");
1c) Using the LassoCV function and the full dataset, find the best possible lambda value for your dataset and the MSE associated with that model.
Use a k-fold validation with 10 partitions.
df1_na_dm_lassocv_model = LassoCV(alphas = lambdaList, cv = 10, normalize = True); df1_na_dm_lassocv_model.fit(X, Y); print("best lambda: ", df1_na_dm_lassocv_model.alpha_);
Y_lassocv_pred_list = df1_na_dm_lassocv_model.predict(X); lassocv_mse = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_lassocv_pred_list); print("MSE: ", lassocv_mse);
In [3]:
best lambda: 0.16297508346206402 MSE: 94500.70207115081
1d) For the lasso model with the best lambda, which coefficients have been driven to 0? (5 points)
In [4]: df1_na_dm_best_lasso_model = Lasso(alpha = df1_na_dm_lassocv_model.alpha_, normalize = True); df1_na_dm_best_lasso_model.fit(X, Y);
df_best_lasso_coef = pandas.DataFrame(df1_na_dm_best_lasso_model.coef_, index = X_columnList, columns = ["Best_Lasso_Coef"]); print(df_best_lasso_coef); print("The following coefficients have been driven to 0: "); print("HmRun, Runs, RBI, CAtBat, CHits, NewLeague_N");
Best_Lasso_Coef AtBat -1.569100
Hits 5.715904
HmRun 0.000000
Runs -0.000000 RBI 0.000000
Walks 4.759498
Years -9.468912
CAtBat -0.000000 CHits 0.000000
CHmRun 0.539003
CRuns 0.668122
CRBI 0.381605 CWalks -0.536725
PutOuts 0.273088
Assists 0.175832
Errors -2.051931 League_N 32.289784
Division_W -119.132165
NewLeague_N -0.000000
The following coefficients have been driven to 0: HmRun, Runs, RBI, CAtBat, CHits, NewLeague_N
1e) Which coefficients remain in the model (are non-zero)?
In [5]: print("The following coefficients remain in the model: "); print("AtBat, Hits, Walks, Years, CHmRun, CRuns, CRBI, CWalks, PutOuts, Assists, Errors, League_N, Division_W");
The following coefficients remain in the model:
AtBat, Hits, Walks, Years, CHmRun, CRuns, CRBI, CWalks, PutOuts, Assists, Errors, League_N, Division_W
1f) Fit a lasso model to this data using a lambda value of 5. For this model, which coefficients have been driven to 0? (5 points)
In [6]: df1_na_dm_5lambda_lasso_model = Lasso(alpha = 5, normalize = True); df1_na_dm_5lambda_lasso_model.fit(X, Y);
df_5lambda_lasso_coef = pandas.DataFrame(df1_na_dm_5lambda_lasso_model.coef_, index = X_columnList, columns = ["5Lambda_Lasso_Coe print(df_5lambda_lasso_coef); print("The following coefficients have been driven to 0: "); print("AtBat, HmRun, Runs, RBI, Years, CAtBat, CHits, CHmRun, CWalks, Assists, Errors, League_N, Division_W, NewLeague_N");
AtBat 0.000000 Hits 1.317257
HmRun 0.000000
Runs 0.000000
RBI 0.000000 Walks 1.433696
Years 0.000000
CAtBat 0.000000
CHits 0.000000 CHmRun 0.000000
CRuns 0.142543
CRBI 0.326828
CWalks 0.000000 PutOuts 0.053166
Assists 0.000000
Errors -0.000000
League_N 0.000000 Division_W -0.000000
NewLeague_N 0.000000 The following coefficients have been driven to 0:
AtBat, HmRun, Runs, RBI, Years, CAtBat, CHits, CHmRun, CWalks, Assists, Errors, League_N, Division_W, NewLeague_N 1g) Which of these two models (best lambda and lambda = 5) had more coefficients driven to 0? Explain why that happened.
The Lasso model with lambda 5 has more coefficients driven to 0. Because larger lambda means larger penalty, if we want to minimize (the sum of residual sqaured + penalty), we need to turn more coefficients to 0.
Problem 2
2) For this probem, we are going to perform a best subset selection using the same dataset as in problem 1.
2a) How many different combinations of 5 predictors are there in this dataset? Hint: the comb() function in the Python math library can make this easy
df2 = pandas.read_csv("Hitters.csv"); df2_na = df2.dropna(); df2_na_dm = pandas.get_dummies(df2_na, columns = ["League", "Division", "NewLeague"], drop_first = True);
X_columnList = df2_na_dm.columns.drop("Salary");
X = df2_na_dm[X_columnList];
Y = df2_na_dm["Salary"];
nCk = math.comb(len(X_columnList), 5); print("combinations: ", nCk);
In [7]:
combinations: 11628
2b) Using sklearn, fit a regression model to the first 5 predictors ('AtBat', 'Hits', 'HmRun', 'Runs', 'RBI'). What is the MSE of your resulting model (using the full dataset)? (10 points)
In [8]: X_5pdt = df2_na_dm[["AtBat", "Hits", "HmRun", "Runs", "RBI"]];
df2_5pdt_lr_model = LinearRegression(); df2_5pdt_lr_model.fit(X_5pdt, Y);
Y_5pdt_lr_pred_list = df2_5pdt_lr_model.predict(X_5pdt); fpdt_lr_mse = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_5pdt_lr_pred_list); print("MSE: ", fpdt_lr_mse);
MSE: 153253.62757614415
2c) The itertools package provides a variety of "iterators" for use in loops. The combinations iterator provides an iterator that can be used in for loops, For example, here is the list of all of the combinations of 2 predictors in our dataset:
In [9]: for predictor_comb in combinations(X_columnList, 2): print(predictor_comb);
('AtBat', 'Hits')
('AtBat', 'HmRun')
('AtBat', 'Runs')
('AtBat', 'RBI')
('AtBat', 'Walks')
('AtBat', 'Years')
('AtBat', 'CAtBat') ('AtBat', 'CHits')
('AtBat', 'CHmRun')
('AtBat', 'CRuns')
('AtBat', 'CRBI')
('AtBat', 'CWalks')
('AtBat', 'PutOuts')
('AtBat', 'Assists')
('AtBat', 'Errors')
('AtBat', 'League_N')
('AtBat', 'Division_W')
('AtBat', 'NewLeague_N')
('Hits', 'HmRun')
('Hits', 'Runs')
('Hits', 'RBI')
('Hits', 'Walks')
('Hits', 'Years')
('Hits', 'CAtBat') ('Hits', 'CHits')
('Hits', 'CHmRun')
('Hits', 'CRuns')
('Hits', 'CRBI')
('Hits', 'CWalks')
('Hits', 'PutOuts')
('Hits', 'Assists')
('Hits', 'Errors')
('Hits', 'League_N')
('Hits', 'Division_W')
('Hits', 'NewLeague_N')
('HmRun', 'Runs')
('HmRun', 'RBI')
('HmRun', 'Walks')
('HmRun', 'Years')
('HmRun', 'CAtBat') ('HmRun', 'CHits')
('HmRun', 'CHmRun')
('HmRun', 'CRuns')
('HmRun', 'CRBI')
('HmRun', 'CWalks')
('HmRun', 'PutOuts')
('HmRun', 'Assists')
('HmRun', 'Errors')
('HmRun', 'League_N')
('HmRun', 'Division_W')
('HmRun', 'NewLeague_N')
('Runs', 'RBI')
('Runs', 'Walks')
('Runs', 'Years')
('Runs', 'CAtBat') ('Runs', 'CHits')
('Runs', 'CHmRun')
('Runs', 'CRuns')
('Runs', 'CRBI')
('Runs', 'CWalks')
('Runs', 'PutOuts')
('Runs', 'Assists')
('Runs', 'Errors')
('Runs', 'League_N')
('Runs', 'Division_W')
('Runs', 'NewLeague_N')
('RBI', 'Walks')
('RBI', 'Years')
('RBI', 'CAtBat') ('RBI', 'CHits')
('RBI', 'CHmRun')
('RBI', 'CRuns')
('RBI', 'CRBI')
('RBI', 'CWalks')
('RBI', 'PutOuts')
('RBI', 'Assists')
('RBI', 'Errors')
('RBI', 'League_N')
('RBI', 'Division_W')
('RBI', 'NewLeague_N')
('Walks', 'Years')
('Walks', 'CAtBat') ('Walks', 'CHits')
('Walks', 'CHmRun')
('Walks', 'CRuns')
('Walks', 'CRBI')
('Walks', 'CWalks')
('Walks', 'PutOuts')
('Walks', 'Assists')
('Walks', 'Errors')
('Walks', 'League_N')
('Walks', 'Division_W') ('Walks', 'NewLeague_N')
('Years', 'CAtBat') ('Years', 'CHits')
('Years', 'CHmRun')
('Years', 'CRuns')
('Years', 'CRBI')
('Years', 'CWalks')
('Years', 'PutOuts')
('Years', 'Assists')
('Years', 'Errors')
('Years', 'League_N')
('Years', 'Division_W')
('Years', 'NewLeague_N')
('CAtBat', 'CHits')
('CAtBat', 'CHmRun')
('CAtBat', 'CRuns')
('CAtBat', 'CRBI')
('CAtBat', 'CWalks')
('CAtBat', 'PutOuts')
('CAtBat', 'Assists')
('CAtBat', 'Errors')
('CAtBat', 'League_N')
('CAtBat', 'Division_W')
('CAtBat', 'NewLeague_N')
('CHits', 'CHmRun')
('CHits', 'CRuns')
('CHits', 'CRBI')
('CHits', 'CWalks')
('CHits', 'PutOuts')
('CHits', 'Assists')
('CHits', 'Errors')
('CHits', 'League_N')
('CHits', 'Division_W')
('CHits', 'NewLeague_N')
('CHmRun', 'CRuns')
('CHmRun', 'CRBI')
('CHmRun', 'CWalks')
('CHmRun', 'PutOuts')
('CHmRun', 'Assists')
('CHmRun', 'Errors')
('CHmRun', 'League_N')
('CHmRun', 'Division_W')
('CHmRun', 'NewLeague_N')
('CRuns', 'CRBI')
('CRuns', 'CWalks')
('CRuns', 'PutOuts')
('CRuns', 'Assists')
('CRuns', 'Errors')
('CRuns', 'League_N')
('CRuns', 'Division_W')
('CRuns', 'NewLeague_N')
('CRBI', 'CWalks')
('CRBI', 'PutOuts')
('CRBI', 'Assists')
('CRBI', 'Errors')
('CRBI', 'League_N')
('CRBI', 'Division_W')
('CRBI', 'NewLeague_N')
('CWalks', 'PutOuts')
('CWalks', 'Assists')
('CWalks', 'Errors')
('CWalks', 'League_N')
('CWalks', 'Division_W')
('CWalks', 'NewLeague_N')
('PutOuts', 'Assists')
('PutOuts', 'Errors')
('PutOuts', 'League_N')
('PutOuts', 'Division_W')
('PutOuts', 'NewLeague_N')
('Assists', 'Errors')
('Assists', 'League_N')
('Assists', 'Division_W')
('Assists', 'NewLeague_N')
('Errors', 'League_N')
('Errors', 'Division_W')
('Errors', 'NewLeague_N')
('League_N', 'Division_W')
('League_N', 'NewLeague_N')
('Division_W', 'NewLeague_N')
2d) Using this combinations function and sklearn, construct a loop that fits a linear regression model to every possible combination of three predictors. For each combination of predictors, save the model, its predictors, and its MSE in a dataframe called "models" and display the first 10 rows of the models dataframe.
tpdt_lr_model_list = []; tpdt_list = []; tpdt_lr_mse_list = [];
for pdt_cmb in combinations(X_columnList, 3):
pdt_cmb_list = list(pdt_cmb); tpdt_list.append(pdt_cmb_list);
In [10]:
X_3pdt = df2_na_dm[pdt_cmb_list];
df2_3pdt_lr_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_3pdt, Y); tpdt_lr_model_list.append(df2_3pdt_lr_model);
Y_3pdt_pred_list = df2_3pdt_lr_model.predict(X_3pdt); tpdt_lr_mse = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_3pdt_pred_list); tpdt_lr_mse_list.append(tpdt_lr_mse);
models = pandas.DataFrame(
"model": tpdt_lr_model_list,
"predictor": tpdt_list, "mse": tpdt_lr_mse_list
model predictor mse 0 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, HmRun] 156688.795581
1 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, Runs] 160409.737289
2 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, RBI] 153639.314956 3 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, Walks] 146818.048331
4 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, Years] 130532.248019
5 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, CAtBat] 120676.905337
6 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, CHits] 118979.738096 7 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, CHmRun] 117596.537771
8 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, CRuns] 115800.957920
9 LinearRegression() [AtBat, Hits, CRBI] 113402.254897
2e) Find the best model (lowest MSE) and answer the following questions:
What are the predictors?
What is the MSE of the model?
In [11]: min_mse_idx = models["mse"].idxmin();
min_mse_row = models.iloc[min_mse_idx];
print("The predictors are: ", min_mse_row["predictor"]); print("The MSE is: ", min_mse_row["mse"]);
The predictors are: ['Hits', 'CRBI', 'PutOuts']
The MSE is: 111214.05648618752
2f) Now, use your code to create a function get_best_model(k) which takes the number of predictors as an input (k) and returns a list consisting of the model, its predictors, and its corresponding MSE for the best model with k predictors. Call the function with k = 3 to test that it returns the same results (predictors and model MSE) as your answer to part e.
def get_best_model(k):
kpdt_lr_model_list = []; kpdt_list = []; kpdt_lr_mse_list = [];
kpdt_min_mse = 2 * 10 ** 9; kpdt_min_mse_idx = -1; cmb_list = list(combinations(X_columnList, k)); for idx in range(len(cmb_list)): pdt_cmb = cmb_list[idx]; pdt_cmb_list = list(pdt_cmb); kpdt_list.append(pdt_cmb_list);
X_kpdt = df2_na_dm[pdt_cmb_list];
df2_kpdt_lr_model = LinearRegression().fit(X_kpdt, Y); kpdt_lr_model_list.append(df2_kpdt_lr_model);
Y_kpdt_pred_list = df2_kpdt_lr_model.predict(X_kpdt); kpdt_lr_mse = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_kpdt_pred_list); kpdt_lr_mse_list.append(kpdt_lr_mse);
if kpdt_lr_mse < kpdt_min_mse: kpdt_min_mse = kpdt_lr_mse; kpdt_min_mse_idx = idx;
return pandas.DataFrame(
"model": [kpdt_lr_model_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]],
"predictor": [kpdt_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]], "mse": [kpdt_lr_mse_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]] }
models2 = get_best_model(3); print(models2);
In [12]:
model predictor mse 0 LinearRegression() [Hits, CRBI, PutOuts] 111214.056486
2g) We are going to wish to evaluate the candidate models using AIC, BIC, and Adjusted R2 which are not available in sklearn. Re-write you function from part f above using statsmodels instead of sklearn. Call the function with k = 3 to test that it returns the same results (predictors and model MSE) as your answers to parts e and f.
def get_best_model2(k):
kpdt_list = []; kpdt_lr_model_list = []; kpdt_lr_mse_list = [];
kpdt_min_mse = 2 * 10 ** 9; kpdt_min_mse_idx = -1;
cmb_list = list(combinations(X_columnList, k)); for idx in range(len(cmb_list)): pdt_cmb = cmb_list[idx]; pdt_cmb_list = list(pdt_cmb); kpdt_list.append(pdt_cmb_list);
X_kpdt = df2_na_dm[pdt_cmb_list]; X_kpdt = sm.add_constant(X_kpdt);
df2_kpdt_lr_model = sm.OLS(Y, X_kpdt).fit(); kpdt_lr_model_list.append(df2_kpdt_lr_model);
Y_kpdt_pred_list = df2_kpdt_lr_model.predict(X_kpdt); kpdt_lr_mse = mean_squared_error(Y, Y_kpdt_pred_list); kpdt_lr_mse_list.append(kpdt_lr_mse);
if kpdt_lr_mse < kpdt_min_mse: kpdt_min_mse = kpdt_lr_mse; kpdt_min_mse_idx = idx;
return pandas.DataFrame(
"model": [kpdt_lr_model_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]],
"predictor": [kpdt_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]], "mse": [kpdt_lr_mse_list[kpdt_min_mse_idx]] }
models3 = get_best_model2(3); print(models3);
In [13]:
model predictor 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... [Hits, CRBI, PutOuts]
mse 0 111214.056486
2h) Set up a loop to call this function for every number of susbsets between 1 and 18 and store the results in a dataframe called models_best. This will take a long time to run (about 40 minutes on my computer), so I recommend that you test it using only a relatively small number of subsets (maybe 1 to 5) before running it on the full 19. Display the resulting models_best dataframe.
models_best_list = [];
for k in range(1, 18 + 1):
models_best = pandas.concat(models_best_list); print(models_best);
In [14]:
model 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio... 0 <statsmodels.regression.linear_model.Regressio...
predictor mse 0 [CRBI] 137565.320361 0 [Hits, CRBI] 116526.843690
0 [Hits, CRBI, PutOuts] 111214.056486
0 [Hits, CRBI, PutOuts, Division_W] 106353.048729
0 [AtBat, Hits, CRBI, PutOuts, Division_W] 103231.556776 0 [AtBat, Hits, Walks, CRBI, PutOuts, Division_W] 99600.395162
0 [Hits, Walks, CAtBat, CHits, CHmRun, PutOuts, ... 98503.982892
0 [AtBat, Hits, Walks, CHmRun, CRuns, CWalks, Pu... 95577.680376
0 [AtBat, Hits, Walks, CAtBat, CRuns, CRBI, CWal... 94350.005272 0 [AtBat, Hits, Walks, CAtBat, CRuns, CRBI, CWal... 93157.420296
0 [AtBat, Hits, Walks, CAtBat, CRuns, CRBI, CWal... 92727.547724
0 [AtBat, Hits, Runs, Walks, CAtBat, CRuns, CRBI... 92521.796119
0 [AtBat, Hits, Runs, Walks, CAtBat, CRuns, CRBI... 92354.174290 0 [AtBat, Hits, HmRun, Runs, Walks, CAtBat, CRun... 92200.229630
0 [AtBat, Hits, HmRun, Runs, Walks, CAtBat, CHit... 92148.963328
0 [AtBat, Hits, HmRun, Runs, RBI, Walks, CAtBat,... 92088.887730
0 [AtBat, Hits, HmRun, Runs, RBI, Walks, CAtBat,... 92051.128352
0 [AtBat, Hits, HmRun, Runs, RBI, Walks, Years, ... 92022.195280
2i) Create and populate a dataframe best_model_stats that has the following columns: "Model Size", "R2", "Adjusted R2", "AIC", "BIC". Display the dataframe.
model_size_list = []; r_squared_list = []; adjusted_r_sqaured_list = []; aic_list = []; bic_list = [];
for idx, row in models_best.iterrows():
model_size_list.append(len(row["predictor"])); r_squared_list.append(row["model"].rsquared);
adjusted_r_sqaured_list.append(row["model"].rsquared_adj); aic_list.append(row["model"].aic); bic_list.append(row["model"].bic);
best_model_stats = pandas.DataFrame(
"Model Size": model_size_list,
"R2": r_squared_list,
"Adjusted R2": adjusted_r_sqaured_list,
"AIC": aic_list,
"BIC": bic_list
} );
In [15]:
Model Size R2 Adjusted R2 AIC BIC
0 1 0.321450 0.318850 3862.139307 3869.283615
1 2 0.425224 0.420802 3820.487305 3831.203767 2 3 0.451429 0.445075 3810.214440 3824.503056
3 4 0.475407 0.467273 3800.460294 3818.321064
4 5 0.490804 0.480897 3794.625624 3816.058548
5 6 0.508715 0.497200 3787.208000 3812.213078 6 7 0.514123 0.500785 3786.296813 3814.874046
7 8 0.528557 0.513708 3780.365349 3812.514735
8 9 0.534612 0.518057 3778.965286 3814.686826
9 10 0.540495 0.522261 3777.619775 3816.913469 10 11 0.542615 0.522571 3778.403359 3821.269208
11 12 0.543630 0.521724 3779.819145 3826.257147
12 13 0.544457 0.520674 3781.342235 3831.352392
13 14 0.545216 0.519543 3782.903476 3836.485787 14 15 0.545469 0.517866 3784.757199 3841.911664
15 16 0.545766 0.516222 3786.585683 3847.312301
16 17 0.545952 0.514446 3788.477822 3852.776595
17 18 0.546095 0.512610 3790.395144 3858.266071
2j) Create four line plots showing the four assessment statistics as a function of model size (5 points)
In [16]: plt.plot(best_model_stats["Model Size"], best_model_stats["R2"], color = "red", label = "R2"); plt.legend(loc = "right");
In [17]: plt.plot(best_model_stats["Model Size"], best_model_stats["Adjusted R2"], color = "blue", label = "Adjusted R2"); plt.legend(loc = "right");
In [18]: plt.plot(best_model_stats["Model Size"], best_model_stats["AIC"], color = "green", label = "AIC"); plt.legend(loc = "right");
In [19]: plt.plot(best_model_stats["Model Size"], best_model_stats["BIC"], color = "purple", label = "BIC"); plt.legend(loc = "right");
2k. Based on this data, which model size would you select for each of the three assessment statistics (not including R2)? (5 points)
max_r2_idx = best_model_stats["R2"].idxmax();
max_r2_adj_idx = best_model_stats["Adjusted R2"].idxmax(); min_aic_idx = best_model_stats["AIC"].idxmin(); min_bic_idx = best_model_stats["BIC"].idxmin();
print("R2: "); print(best_model_stats.iloc[max_r2_idx]); print("Adjusted R2: ");
print(best_model_stats.iloc[max_r2_adj_idx]); print("AIC: "); print(best_model_stats.iloc[min_aic_idx]); print("BIC: ");
In [20]:
Model Size 18.000000 R2 0.546095
Adjusted R2 0.512610
AIC 3790.395144
BIC 3858.266071
Name: 17, dtype: float64
Adjusted R2:
Model Size 11.000000
R2 0.542615 Adjusted R2 0.522571
AIC 3778.403359
BIC 3821.269208 Name: 10, dtype: float64 AIC:
Model Size 10.000000
R2 0.540495
Adjusted R2 0.522261 AIC 3777.619775
BIC 3816.913469 Name: 9, dtype: float64
Model Size 6.000000
R2 0.508715
Adjusted R2 0.497200
AIC 3787.208000 BIC 3812.213078
Name: 5, dtype: float64
Adjusted R2: 11
AIC: 10
BIC: 6
2l. How does this compare to the number of predictors using the Lasso "best model" that you found in question 1? (5 points)
The predictor number of each three assessment statistics is less than that of the Lasso "best model". This indicates the Lasso is not accurated as the best subset selection, because the best subset selection tries all possibile predictor combinations, while the Lasso just introduces bias.
However, the subset selection is very time-comsuming and memory-comsuming, while the Lasso just uses a little resourse.