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Internet-Programming-Homework 1 Solved

1.      Write a JavaScript program to get the current date. 

a. Expected Output :  mm-dd-yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy  


2.      Write a form and a JavaScript program to find the area of a triangle where lengths of the three of its sides are input forms. 


3.      Write a JavaScript program to rotate the string form input form in right direction by periodically removing one letter from the end of the string and attaching it to the front 



4.      Write a JavaScript program where the program takes a random integer between 1 to 10, the user is then prompted to input a guess number. If the user input matches with guess number, the program will display a message "Good Work" otherwise display a message "Not matched". Inputed value should be sanitazed 

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