1. Implement a page that will make a Post to a Conversion API.
a. https://ip-uacs.herokuapp.com/api/Convert/ToCelsius/{Ftemp}
b. https://ip-uacs.herokuapp.com/api/Convert/ToFahrenheit/{Ctemp}
2. Write a function that will read from a local text file (exam.txt) and display the result in html control.
3. Make a data table page that will display all students:
a. The api that is available is : https://ip-uacs.herokuapp.com/api/student
b. It should be possible to search for students by studentId (student index)
4. Make a student details page:
a. It should have an edit option (this is a BONUS )
5. Make a page that will implement add operation of a new student (POST):
a. FirstName – text
b. LastName –text
c. StudentId – text
d. Email – text
When the operation is successful display a message or redirect to the data table page (or the details page, from the bonus).