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INT301- Week 12: Competitive Learning Solved

To demonstrate the competitive networks ability to cluster data, a 2-dimensional dataset consisting of 6 Gaussian distributions with small widths will be used. Use the function loadclust1 to get the data and Matlab’s plot function to visualize it, e.g.

>> [P,T] = loadclust1(200); 

>> plot(P(1,:),P(2,:),'b*'); 

Use m-file syn_comp.m in the next 3 exercises.

Exercise 1: Use 100-200 data from the data set, with 6 output neurons and default values for the learning parameters. Does it work? 

(Note: after setting the parameters, remember to ‘Hit a key to continue’ in the command window; it is also recommended to keep Figure 1 on top to observe the position changes of output neurons.)

Exercise 2: Use 100-200 data from the data set and 6 output neurons, but try different settings of the learning parameters and conscience learning parameter. Especially, turn off the conscience learning parameter (type ‘n’ for ‘Use default learning parameters’ and type 0 for ‘Conscience learning rate’) to see if ‘dead neurons’ appear.  (Note: use “help learncon” in command window if you want to know more about conscience learning parameter.)

Exercise 3: Use 100-200 data from the data set. Use more than 6 output neurons (e.g. 12), and run the network for both with and without conscience learning parameter. What happens with the superfluous neurons?


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