Database System Architecture and Implementation
Database and Information Systems
i Prerequisites
In order to successfully complete this project, you will need to install the following software on the computer that you use for software development.
• Java Development Kit, available at https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/ downloads/index.html (version 8 or greater).
• Apache Maven, available at http://maven.apache.org/ (version 3.5.2 or greater).
• Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, available at http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/.
• Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in, installation instructions at https://checkstyle.org/eclipse-cs/ (version 8.12 or greater).
After you have installed and configured the required software (see above), you can set up a local copy of the Minibase source code distribution by following the steps below.
• Download the source code distribution archive from the course website and unzip it in a directory of your choice.
• Launch Eclipse and import the Minibase project. In order to do so, follow the steps of the import project wizard (File → Import... → General → Existing Projects into Workspace). In the wizard select the directory where you have unzipped the source code distribution under Select root directory and make sure that the option Copy projects into workspace is not selected.
• Once Eclipse has finished importing and compiling the project, there should be no errors, but there might be a couple of warnings. Make sure that Checkstyle is activated for the project by right-clicking on the project and selecting Checkstyle → Activate Checkstyle.
• Congratulations! If you have made it to this point without errors, you are ready to begin your programming project.
Disclaimer: Please note that Minibase is neither open-source, freeware, nor shareware. See COPYRIGHT.txt in the doc folder of the Minibase distribution for terms and conditions. Also do not push the code to publicly accessible repositories, e.g. GitHub.
i Programming Practices
Checkstyle will already check the formatting of the code and enforce a certain coding convention. The Checkstyle configuration that we use is a slightly more relaxed version of the default Java coding convention.
Apart from the rules enforced by Checkstyle your code also needs to adhere to the following (good) programming practices.
• Use meaningful names for classes, interfaces, methods, fields, and parameters. For example, use BufferManager instead of BMgr or page instead of p.
• Organize your code by grouping it into (conceptual) blocks that are separated by a line break.
• Write a (Javadoc) comment before each method and paragraph of code.
• Provide a comment before each non-obvious declaration.
• Your code must be understandable by reading the comments only.
• Comments should not simply paraphrase what the code does, but rather explain it. For example, your comment for the line of code clock = 0; should not read “Assign 0 to variable clock”. A good comment
would be “Initialize the clock to point to the first page in the buffer pool”.
• Efficiency is considered, e.g., do not use an int if a boolean is appropriate, do not do a sequential search or a disk I/O unless necessary, etc.
i Assignment Overview
You will be given parts of the Minibase code, in Java, and asked to fill in other parts of it. You may spend 90% of your time understanding the given code and 10% of your time writing new code.
Minibase is structured in layers that follow the reference architecture presented in the lecture. Each layer corresponds to a Java package. All of these packages are managed as subdirectories of src/main/java, where directory src is directly located in the root directory of the Minibase distribution. For each package of the main Minibase system, there is a corresponding package of the same name that contains JUnit tests, which you will use to check the correctness of your implementation. The JUnit tests are located in subdirectories of src/test/java. The best place to start understanding this assignment are the lecture slides and the text book (Chapter 14) about the evaluation of relational operators. As in the previous assignment, you will work on the operator evaluator layer, which is part of Minibase’s query processor and is located in package minibase.query.evaluator. Your task is to create a join operator for Minibase according to the Volcano iterator model. Your join operator will implement one of the following algorithms: index nested loops join, sort-merge join, or hash join. As in the
previous exercise, you will also design test cases that thoroughly validate the correctness of your implementation.
Exercise 1: Join Operator (30 Points) Ï
The first exercise of this assignment is to implement a join operator for Minibase. To do so, you will need to extend the abstract class AbstractOperator that implements the Operator interface. For a very simple example of a join operator, you can have a look at class NestedLoopsEquiJoin, which is part of the source code provided for this exercise. As you can see, a join operator is constructed using two input operators that compute the outer and inner relation, respectively. If you want to directly input relations into your join operator, you can use class TableScan,
which wraps a heap file to provide the required operator interface. To keep things simple and consistent over all choices of join algorithms, we will limit ourselves to equality joins of a single pair of columns (represented by offsets to columns in the relations’ schemas). Therefore, a join operator is initialized with four parameters: an operator for the outer relation, an offset of a column in the outer relation’s schema, an operator for the inner relation, and an offset of a column in the inner relation’s schema, resulting in the constructor ...Join(Operator outer, int outerOffset, Operator inner, int innerOffset). Your join operator will implement one of the following join algorithms that were presented in the lecture, sorted in ascending order of expected difficulty.
Index Nested Loops Join For every tuple of the outer relation, the index nested loops join probes an index over the inner relation. While the algorithm for this join variant is easy to implement, you will have to build an index over the inner relation. Of course, you can use index implementations that are included in the source code provided for this assignment. This time, the provided index does not only work on integer keys, but on all other data types that are supported by Minibase by using a SearchKeyType. An index search key can be atomic, consisting of a single attribute, or composite, consisting of multiple attributes. Since we only need to support single-column equi-joins in this exercise, an atomic key type suffices. The abstract class AtomicKeyType already provides instances (as static members) that describe single-attribute key types for all supported data types. The static method SearchKeyType.get(DataTye type, int length) maps to the AtomicKeyType for the given data type (having the given length in bytes).
Since the inner relation is represented by an index, you will not be able to implement this join variant using the above mentioned constructor. Therefore, the constructor has to expect the inner relation’s File (e.g., HeapFile) and an Index (e.g., BTreeIndex) instead of the inner relation’s operator. Since the BTreeIndex is unclustered, the additional file is needed to retrieve record data. The resulting constructor is IndexNestedLoopsEquiJoin(Operator outer, int outerOffset, File
innerFile, Index innerIndex, int innerOffset). The inner relation’s index has to be initialized with the correct SearchKeyType for the inner relation’s column that participates in the equi-join predicate.
In order to find matching tuples in the inner relation, the index has to be probed using a SearchKey. Such a search key can be obtained for a given outer record by the schema instance that the record conforms
to, e.g, by calling schema.searchKey(outerRecord, new int[]{ outerOffset }). Note, that you should compute the array parameter in this call only once in the constructor to avoid unnecessary allocations; it is made explicit here for demonstration purposes only. Once you get a search key for an outer record, you can use this key to scan the index, retrieve matching record ids and read the records’ data from the file.
Although an index scan or lookup can also be implemented as an operator, the current operator interface of Minibase does not make this approach non-obvious. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also try to solve this exercise using the more general constructor.
Sort-Merge Join The sort-merge join sorts both relations in a first phase and then merges them into the result relation in the second phase. If you choose to implement this join variant, you can build on the external sort operator from Assignment 7 to sort (and materialize) the two input relations. The merge phase can then be implemented as discussed in the lecture. Note that instead of simply reusing the external sort operator, you can also completely integrate your join implementation with the external sort operator as described in the lecture.
Hash Join The hash join uses a hash function to split both relations into k partitions during the build phase. In the probe phase, it loads the outer relation into memory partition by partition, builds a hash table over each partition using a second hash function, and probes that hash table with tuples from the inner relation. Clearly, this join variant is the most challenging of the three as there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can be reused. There are several challenges that you will need to address. First, you have to define two hash functions that are as immune to skew in the data as possible. Second, you will have to figure out how to represent a hash table in memory using Minibase pages, i.e., byte-arrays. Finally, there is the possibility that the partitions created by your hash function do not fit into the available buffer pages. At this point, your implementation should recursively repartition the input relations. In the lecture, we have conveniently omitted this step!
Depending on the algorithm that you choose to implement, create a Java class that is named accordingly, e.g.,
IndexNestedLoopsEquiJoin00, SortMergeEquiJoin00, or HashEquiJoin00, where 00 should correspond to your group number.
Exercise 2: Tests (10 Points) Ï
As in the previous exercise, you will implement a JUnit test suite that validates the correctness of your implementation. To do so, you will complete the classes EvaluatorBaseTest00 and JoinTest00, again substituting your group number. EvaluatorBaseTest00 is a common base class for all test cases in the minibase.query.evaluator package. It defines the schema for relations Boats, Reserves, and Sailors, as defined in the text book and used in the course. The class already contains functionality to generate (small) sample data for the Sailors relation (from the previous exercise). Your task is to write a piece of code that generates similar data for the schema of Reserves relation as shown below.
Reserves(sid: integer, bid: integer, day: date, rname: string)
Records can be written to a heap file using the method HeapFile#insertRecord(), which takes a byte array as input. You can either chose to populate these byte arrays manually or by using the class Schema. As you can see from the Convert class in package minibase.util, integers and floats are 32-bit long. For values of type string, you will need to choose a length, say 50 characters, and also set it when you initialize the schema. Note that Minibase uses fixed-length strings.
• Values for the sid attribute are generated as a random integer value between 0 and MAX_TUPLES, i.e., the number of Sailors tuples.
• Values for the bid attribute are generated as an incrementing integer value, starting at 0. Since we are not populating the Boats relation, it does not matter what values are created for bid.
• Values for the day attribute are generated as a random date.
• Values for the rname attribute are generated selecting a random name from the SNAMES array.
Based on this random test data for the Sailors and Reserves schema, you should try to test your implementation as comprehensively as possible by creating test cases for the following scenarios in class JoinTest00 (subject to substituted group number).
• Test that your algorithm works correctly if you join the two relations on the sid attribute.
• Test that your algorithm works correctly, independently of which table is the inner and the outer table.
• Implement additional data generators that enable you to test fringe cases. For example, test that your join will compute the cross-product if all tuples match and the empty set if no tuples match.
• For implementations of the sort-merge join or hash join, test that your operator also joins the two relations correctly if the predicate Sailors.sname = Reserves.rname is used.
• Experiment with join predicates over key attribute versus join predicates over non-key attributes. This is particularly important in the case of the sort-merge join.
Be careful: Make sure that you run your tests with a sufficiently large data set, i.e., make sure that you have enough records having duplicate values in the join columns, such that all code paths are tested. Usually, it does not suffice to use 150 (or a similarly small number) tuples to test a join comprehensively!