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INF-20210  -   Assignment 4 -Solved

B+ Trees

Exercise 1: Operations on B+ Trees                                                                                                                      (6 Points)

Given below is a B+ Tree with order m =2. For each of the following operations, sketch the resulting tree. Details of the original trees can be omitted as long as all changed nodes are shown. Each operation is to be performed on the original tree.

a)    Entry 15* is inserted and siblings are checked for redistribution.

b)    Entry 15* is inserted without checking siblings for redistribution.

c)    Entry 1* is deleted with checking siblings for redistribution.
Exercise 2: More Fun with B+ Trees
(4 Points)
Consider the following B+ Tree with order m =2 where neighbors are checked in insertion and deletion.

root node 


What is the minimum number of insertions of data entries with distinct keys that will cause the height of the tree to change from its current value (of 1) to 3? State the order of insert operations and draw the resulting tree after the final insertion.

Exercise 3: Implementing a B+ Tree                                                                                                                             (20 Points) Ï

Your task is to implement a main memory variant of a B+ tree for integer keys. The data structure will support the following methods.

•    AbstractBTree#contains(int key) looks up if a key exists in the tree

•    AbstractBTree#insert(int key) adds a new key to the tree if it was not contained before

•    AbstractBTree#delete(int key) removes a key from the tree if it is present

For this task, please download the file from Ilias, which contains the framework that you need to use.

Exercise 4: Optimizing your B+ Tree                                                                                                                           (10 Points) Ï

Implement the following additional optimizations that reduce the number of necessary splits and merges of nodes.

•    In insertKey, before splitting the node, the neighbors can be checked. If one of them is not full, entries are shifted over to it and the new entry can be inserted without overflow.

•    In deleteKey, it is more efficient to check both neighbors before deciding to merge two nodes.

•    While it is sufficient to move one entry from or to the neighbor in the above optimizations, it is better to distribute the entries evenly so that (optimally) both nodes are neither full nor empty. This enables more subsequent insertions as well as deletions without rebalancing.

i B+ Tree – Details

In the following, you find three algorithms that might help you to implement the B+ Tree. Note that some additional operations have to be performed, so it will not suffice to convert the pseudo code to Java:

 function containsValue(int nodeID, int key) : boolean node ← get the node for nodeID; if node is a leaf node then if key is found in node then return true

return false

else // node is a branch node, continue with child childID ← child ID with greatest key k so that k ⩽ key in node; return containsValue(childID, key)

Algorithm 1: Checking if a value is contained in a B+ Tree.

 function insertKey(int nodeID, int key) : long node ← get the node for nodeID; if node is a leaf node then if node already contains key then return NO_CHANGES

else // key has to be inserted

increment the number of key stored in the tree; if some space is left then insert the key into node; return NO_CHANGES

else // node has to be split

rightID ← create a new leaf node; right ← the node with ID rightID; distribute keys between node and right; return keyIDPair(firstKey(right), rightID)

else // node is a branch node

childID ← child ID with greatest key k so that k ⩽ key in node; result ← insertKey(childID, key); if result = NO_CHANGES then // nothing to do return NO_CHANGES

else // child was split midKey ← getMidKey(result); rightID ← getChildID(result); if some space is left in node then insert the rightID into node’s child ID list; insert the midKey into node’s key list; return NO_CHANGES

else // node is full and has to be split rightID ← create a new branch node; right ← the node with ID rightID; distribute keys and child pointers in node and right; midKey′ ← middle key between those in node and right; return keyIDPair(midKey′, rightID)

Algorithm 2: Inserting a key into a B+ Tree.

 function deleteKey(int nodeID, int key) : boolean node ← get the node for nodeID; if node is a leaf node then if key is not found in node then return true

else // key is found delete key from node;

decrement the number of keys stored in the tree; if node still has enough keys stored then

else // node is under-full

else // node is a branch node

childID ← child ID with greatest key k so that k ⩽ key in node; noRebalancingNeeded ← deleteKey(childID, key); if noRebalancingNeeded then // nothing to do

else // the child has become under-full child ← get node with ID childID;

if child is the only child of node then // node must be the root delete the old root node; set child as the new root node;

else // child has a neighbor below node neighbor ← get a neighbor of child; if neighbor has more than d keys then re-fill child by borrowing from neighbor; return true

else // neighbor is minimally full merge child with neighbor; adjust the pointers and keys of node; delete child;

if node still has enough keys stored then return true

else // node is under-full return false

Algorithm 3: Deleting a key from a B+ Tree.

i Array Handling in Java:

Some useful utility methods (e.g., for searching and filling) can be found in the class java.util.Arrays. For efficiently copying/moving entries in arrays, the method

System.arraycopy(Object src, int srcOffset, Object dest, int destOffset, int length) is the one to be used:

•    Insert a value at position pos:

System.arraycopy(array, pos, array, pos + 1, nrValues); array[x] = value;

•    Double the size of an array to make room for more entries:

int[] temp = new int[array.length * 2];

System.arraycopy(array, 0, temp, 0, array.length); array = temp;

This can also be done in the following way:

array = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length * 2);

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