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ImageProcessing Assignment 3- Image Pyramid for Image Blending Solution

Using Image Pyramid for Image Blending

(a) Input Image (b) Result
Figure 1: Image Blending.
In the image editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, image blending is the one of most fundamental task ans used for many purposes. For example you can prepare a poster for an advertisement or a film. The most important thing for image blending methods to blend images seamlessly. In other words for an successful image blending method, seams where images or image regions are stitched must be invisible. There are many ways to blend two or more images. One such approach proposed in [1] Laplacian Pyramid. Accordingly to this approach, images are first decomposed into their Laplacian pyramids, and then these images are blended in pyramid levels so that seamless
The goal of this assignment is to obtain a blended image like in Figure 1-b from the input images.
Your program will take an image as input and a masked image region from another or same image and produce blended image. Specifically, you should carry out the following steps:
1. Build Laplacian pyramids for each image.
2. Build a Gaussian pyramid for each region mask.
3. Blend each level of pyramid using region mask from the same level
Li12 = Li1.Ri + Li2.(1 − Ri)
Ri : Region mask
L1 : Laplacian pyramid of first image L2 : Laplacian pyramid of second image
4. Collapse the pyramid to get the final blended image.
. You must show results of main steps in your report at least 5 different images with your comments.
. You must analyze how number of Pyramid levels affect your results so you will obtain results for different number of Pyramid levels.
. You will write your own Python code to select a region to create image mask.
The Report
Your report should contain a brief overview of the problem, the details of your approach, and the results of your algorithm with your comments. Show the results of all of the main steps . If your algorithm failed to give a satisfactory result on a particular image, provide a brief explanation of the reason(s).
What to Hand In
Your submission format will be:
• README.txt (give a text file containing the details about your implementation, how to run your code, the organization of your code, functions etc.)
• code/ (directory containing all your code)
• data/ (directory containing all images - input, mask, blended)
• report.pdf (PDF report - LATEX)
Archieve this folder as b<studentNumber>.zip and submit to
The assignment will be graded out of 100:
• CODE: 0 (no implementation), 40 (a partial solution), 60 (a correct solution) and REPORT : 40
[1] Pyramid methods in image processing,E. H. Adelson , C. H. Anderson , J. R. Bergen , P. J. Burt, J. M. Ogden,1984

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