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IFB130 Assignment 2 Solution

Project - Part B

Project overview
This IFB130 project gives you an opportunity to apply the concepts and skills you acquire in the unit to a ‘realistic’ database design scenario and reflect on the data requirements of an organisation.

A. Design of a database
B. Creation and use of databases

The tasks for Part B
For Assessment 2B you will be required to:
1. Create a database for the fictitious book store Oktomook
2. Query the Pulse Learning Database

Part B is worth 25 marks, for 25% of the unit.

You can complete this assignment individually or in pairs. You do not have to work in the same pairs as you did for Part A.

If you choose to work in a pair, only one student should submit the assignment. Please provide the name and student number of the person you worked with in the README.txt file. No consideration will be given to students who claim they did more work in their pair than the other student because this assignment can be done individually.

You must submit 3 files in a ZIP file using the submission link in Blackboard:
1. SQL script (a text file with the file extension changed to sql) containing your solution to task 1
2. SQL script containing your solutions for tasks 2, 3, 4 and 5
3. README.txt containing your full name, student number (and the name and student number of your partner if working in pairs) and a list of any queries you have attempted but were not able to successfully run in Workbench.

Scripts in different file types will not be accepted.

Assessment 2B tasks
For this assessment, you will:
1. Build a script that will create a database for a given relational schema (Week 7)
2. Provide the SQL commands needed to retrieve the required data using assessment 2a extended schema (Week 8 to 10)
3. Provide the commands to modify (INSERT, UPDATE & DELETE) the data using assessment 2a extended schema (Week 7)
4. Provide the commands needed to create appropriate indexes and views (Week 7 to 10)
5. Provide advice on the basic security measures that should be implemented (Week 11)

Task 1 [6 marks] Oktomook Book Store Database
A SQL script is a set of SQL commands saved as a SQL file. If you are already running MySQL, you can execute a SQL script file using the source command or you can import it in Workbench.

Write an SQL script that builds a database to match the relational model provided to you. These SQL statements in the script must be provided in the correct order.

Marks will be awarded for the following:
1. Creating the database (1 mark)
2. Successfully creating new tables (1 mark)
3. Including all attributes (1 mark)
4. Including constraints (1 mark)
5. Correctly creating Primary Keys (1 mark)
6. Correctly creating Foreign Keys (1 mark)

For task 1, you are required to create a database for the fictitious book store Oktomook. The database is based on the model below:

OKTOMOOK relational model
Customers (customerNumber, firstName, lastName, Address, city, State, postcode, region, email)
Books (ISBN, title, pubDate, PubID, Cost, Retail, Discount, category)
Orders (orderNumber, customerNumber, orderDate, shipDate, street, city, state, postCode, shipCost)
OrdersItems (orderNumber, itemNumber, ISBN, quantity, paidEach)
Author (authorID, firstName, lastName)
Wrote (ISBN, authorID)
Publishers (pubId, name, contact, phone)

• Orders(customerNumber) is dependent on Customers(customerNumber)
• Orders(orderNumber) is dependent on OrdersItems(orderNumber)
• Wrote (authorID) is dependent on Author (authorID)
• Wrote(ISBN) is dependent on Books(ISBN)
• Books(pubID) is dependent on Publishers(pubID)

• The domain of customer(state) and orders(shipState) are [QLD, VIC, NSW, WA, TAS, NT, SA]
• The publisher name and book title are both mandatory
• The default OrderItems(quantity) is 1
• The Book(category) are Fitness, Children, Computer, Cooking, Business, Literature
Task 2 [11 marks] using the Pulse Learning database
For task 2, we have provided you with the creation script for the Pulse Learning database. You must run this script in MySQL Workbench and use this database to extract the necessary information.

The script is based on the following schematic:

PULSE LEARNING relational model
Student (studentID, firstName, surname, email, streetNo, streetName, suburb, city, postcode, state, watchType, watchSerial#, buddyID) PhoneNumber (phoneNumber, studentID)
Unit (unitID, unitName, unitCode, semester, year)
Enrolments (unitID, studentID) UnitTutor (staffID, unitID)
Assignment (assignmentID, assignmentName, dueDate)
Grade (studentID, assignmentID, grade)

• Enrolment (studentID) is dependent on Student (studentID)
• Enrolment (unitID) is dependent on Unit (unitID)
• StudentSleepPatterns (studentID) is dependent on Student (studentID).
• StudentSleepPatterns (sleepPatternID) is dependent on SleepPatterns (sleepPatternID)
• StudentAssignment (student ID) is dependent on Student (studentID)
• StudentAssignment (assignmentID) is dependent on Assignment (assignmentID)
• PhoneNumber (studentID) is dependent on Student (studentID)

• Student (state) domain is [QLD, SA, TAS, NSW, WA, NT or ACT]
• SmartWatch (type) domain is [FitBit, Suunto, Apple Watch or Samsung Gear]

Query 1 (1 mark)
Write a query to list the name (first and last), studentID and email of students who live in Everton Park or Everton Hills. Note: you can assume these are the only suburbs starting with ‘Everton’.

Query 2 (1 mark)
Write a query to list students with buddies, in alphabetical order by surname.

Query 3 (2 mark)

Query 4 (2 marks)
Write a query that will produce some statistics about assignment results. Your result-set should include the following:
• the assignment ID
• the assignment name
• the minimum grade achieved by the class for an assignment
• the average grade achieved by the class for an assignment • the maximum grade achieved by the class for an assignment
• the number of submissions received.

Query 5 (2 marks)

Query 6 (3 marks)

Task 3 [3 marks]

Insert (1 mark)

Delete (1 marks)
Write a DELETE command to remove all rows from the phone number table where the phone number starts with ‘02’.

Update (1 mark)
Write an UPDATE comment to change the address of all students with the last name ‘Smith’ who live at ‘180 Zelda Street, Linkburb’ to ’72 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield’.

Task 4 [3 marks]
Create Index (1 mark)
Currently the database only contains a small number of records. However, the data contained within it is expected to grow significantly in the future. Creating indexes on commonly searched columns is a way performance issues can be minimized.

Write a command to create an index on assignmentName of the assignment table.

Create view – 2 marks
Write a command to create a view to list the firstname, surname and student ID of any students that haven’t enrolled in any units.

Task 5 [2 marks]

Pulse Learning have two employees, Nikki and Jake, to work with the MySQL database. Working as MySQL database administrator, provide the commands required to grant or revoke access so the following security requirements are met:

A. User Nikki must be able to add records to the STUDENT table (0.5 Marks)
B. User Nikki must be able to remove records from the STUDENT table (0.5 Marks)
C. User Jake is no longer allowed to add data to the STUDENT table (0.5 Marks)
D. User Jake is no longer allowed to delete records from the STUDENT table (0.5 Marks)

Assume usernames of employees Nikki and Jake are nikki and jake respectively.

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